Jennifer K.

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Jennifer K.

Walks "like a 50s housewife on a mission to kill g-d." SATAN HAS ENOUGH ATTORNEYS, CHAD. She/her. Squad Mom/Aunt Aoife. Do not mistake my kindness for weakness.
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I have never wanted a Senate fisticuffs incident more than I have wanted Sherrod Brown to just absolutely lay JD Vance the fuck out.
When my mother was 14, she went to a wedding & the band were friends with the couple. She did not get pictures. As an adult, I chided her for it. "The Ramones," she said. "Jenni, they were nice enough guys, but their music kinda sucked." Unpopular opinion, but this is how I feel about Weird Al.
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JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
In news completely unrelated to The News of the Day, facebook (which I keep around because it's the only way I have to stay in touch with elderly far-flung relatives) is suggesting I become friends with my ex-husband's soon-to-be-fourth wife. And while I have nothing against her, that's a no for me.
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Senate Dems should take one of their assorted gun control bills off the shelf, rename it something like "Trump Assassination Prevention Act," and force Rs to do a talking filibuster to block it
I understand why Secret Service eliminated the threat, but had they not done so with lethal force, we'd actually have a chance of finding out this guy's motivation.
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Reminder to everyone who either didn’t live through it or have forgotten: Reagan’s popularity went up after he was shot (actually shot, not just shot *at*), while his politics got WORSE.
When a cult leader is threatened, his followers get exponentially more dangerous. We should all be on high alert.
im not sure the boiling stew of rancid frothing maniacs who follow god emperor mcviolence are going to be chill about this
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I’ll say one other thing; I don’t care how many hours have passed since the assassination attempt, there are just some people I’m not willing to take lessons on violent or irresponsible rhetoric from, or hear them out in good faith ever on this issue. Get fucked, fuck off, next.
Listening to the 2nd installment of the Behind the Bastards episodes re: Dr. Laura & irrationally upset that & missed making the obvious Sheryl Crow reference 🎶 He wears his Members Only jacket/cause he thinks it turns on all the ladies 🎶
I needed a new headshot for the firm I joined last month, so I took my kid & my phone outside during golden hour & made him use portrait mode.
You could literally fit this on a bicycle, using panniers for the soil bags & a back rack with bungees for the cases of water. It would be awkward & heavy, but absolutely doable. And a $350 bike from REI won't spontaneously combust or fail to brake because there's a missing software update.
Four cases of water and two bags of potting soil — and this Cybertruck driver needed to make a brag post??!! Honey, I can fit ALL of that in the front seat and leg room of my Subaru
Merge two films: Lost in Space Balls (the Movie) Blood Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend Shakespeare in Love, Actually Free Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
merge two films: Kill Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
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Hey motherfuckers, just found out my kid had post-viral myocarditis from COVID in 2022! Discovered because of constant fatigue and dizziness when standing. They now use a cane. COVID is surging again so do the damn things! I know they suck but not as much as giving someone else a heart condition.
Nothing like getting a group text from your mother-in-law, accompanied by a "Dear Abby" column about being lonely, "gently suggesting" that her children (and me, but neither of her sons-in-law) "establish a schedule to check in once a week." No, Karen, we will not be doing that.
We! Never! Stopped! Getting! COVID!!!! What the actual SHIT is this headline?????? There has never been a time, in the last 4.5 godforsaken years, when we didn't have people getting COVID!!!
A seasonal wave of #Covid is sweeping across the U.S., driven by the FLiRT variants, a trio of the latest #SARSCoV2 mutants making the rounds. So no, it's not your imagination. People are getting Covid again
Yep, people are getting COVID A seasonal COVID-19 wave appears to be underway with cases growing or likely growing in 39 states.
Make a band meatier: Cube Steak for Cutie Panic! At the Roadhouse Grill My Cuban Sandwich Romance The Jackson 5oz. Filet Mignon
make a band meatier: Crowded Steakhouse
"Why did she wait 20 years to say anything?" Hey Alexa, play "The Manuscript," volume level 10.
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Could someone please inform my neighbors that there's a fireworks ban? Or empower the fire department to issue citations? Or make the cops fucking care? Because the booms have been going today intermittently since 10 a.m. and I am about ready to find & [redacted] every one of these motherfuckers.
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Men of Earth: if you find yourself developing pants-feelings about your kids' nanny or au pair, it will save everyone a lot of pain if you just punch yourself in the nuts or equivalent until the feelings subside.
I would really appreciate, generally, if science fiction men could stop being goddamn sex pests. Even if it were consensual (she says it wasn’t), she was a 23 year old nanny & he was her 61 year old wildly famous/wealthy employer. Not naming - I don’t want a brigade. Google with the above clues.
Someone please for the love of everything unholy, tell Robert Evans that it's pronounced MontiCHello, not MontiSello. I am listening to the T.Jeff episodes of BTB and every time he says MontiSello, I die a little more inside.
So the six types of guys are: Edward Norton, Tig Notaro (letterman jacket), Tig Notaro again, Hillary Clinton (stole Freddy Kruger’s shirt), Bill Nye, and David Tennant (as Crowley). Got it.
they keep inventing new guys
My favorite thing is to respond to my friends' unhinged Boomer dads on facebook with absolutely true but unflattering statements about their preferred presidential candidate, or science debunking whatever conspiracy theory they're yelling about, and seeing how long it takes for dad to block me.
OK SO. I need to vent about this. I got a letter from my servicer on 6/7 saying Dept. of Ed had told them to put my loans into forbearance while they figure out if I'm eligible for the then-challenged changes to the SAVE program. The servicer did not do that. So I called today & they're like...
they really should just put everyone's student loans into forbearance while these court cases are winding through. It's so frustrating not to have a predictable payment and have no idea what's going to happen with repayment. it's been a YEAR of having no idea how much my payment is month to month.
I got to this part & short-circuited for a second: Ritchie can’t find the right cable to connect his phone to the studio’s sound system, so we go to a lounge area where he plays a couple of new country-tinged rock songs on his phone. This is about the point when shit starts going decidedly sideways.
After life-related delays, Kiddo (18) & I finally got our matching tattoos today, geometric design on the upper mid-back. He took it like a champ, first tattoo on his spine.
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I don't know who needs to know this, but Pro Publica has an online thing that will format a letter to your US health insurance company to demand the records behind a claim denial. (which the insurance is then legally required to provide in most cases)
Find Out Why Health Insurance Denied Your You likely have the right to access records that explain why your insurer denied your claim or prior authorization request. Use ProPublica’s free tool to generate a letter requesting your claim file f...
This is such an overbroad law that it would place these restrictions on literally ANY website or app that makes recommendations to users. That includes but is not limited to: Amazon - shopping & goodreads Apple - Music, TV, app store Google - YouTube, YTMusic, play store Disney+ Good luck, Kathy.