leah novoselic

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leah novoselic


"what else could i say? everyone is gay." — kurt cobain

a bisexual indonesian you might rarely find in this conservative country *aggressive side eye*

certified yapper, i don't even know i'm talking nonsense.
lmao imagine recommending worth-to-watch coachella performance to your teacher and you recommended ateez while completely forgetting the fact that they performed in suit with nothing underneath and took a shot mid performance. im dead 💀
you can be a man while still slaying a girl group choreo without masculinizing it. a little cute dance won't hurt no one.
Reposted byAvatar leah novoselic
We're getting to spend more time on protocol again, which has me happy. Not just adding capabilities, but fixing annoyances and simplifying things. There's a few changes we can make that will make the stack more obvious, and get closer to that goal of "it's just http and json"
Reposted byAvatar leah novoselic
Life is short and so am I. Hand me that vodka from the top shelf.
one more day to curse the democracy with one ok rock!!
kalau aja anggaran negara nggak dikorupsi, infrastruktur udah memadai dan menjangkau daerah 3T kali ya. hanya bisa berandai-andai
aparat kepolisian sudah lama kehilangan kepercayaan khalayak. jangankan meminta keadilan untuk rakyat, keadilan untuk sesama rekan polisi saja tidak jelas jeluntrungnya kemana. jangan heran kalau korban bergelimangan dan tingkat kriminalitas meroket.
Reposted byAvatar leah novoselic
I have no idea what’s going on and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
they're so kind it makes me skeptical of their kindness, like there's something sinister unrevealed yet. but probably it's just me who's already sick and tired of fake niceties.
popang adalah hidup!! hidup popang!! 🗣️🗣️🗣️
jangan dikira pendiam ga bisa public speaking bos, gini-gini gue best speaker english debate anjir
oh, nice. corns. ain't that the name of a metal band tho
thanks for checking up on me but why's it have to be on my worst condition
all these underground indie band names make my head aches so bad
i know precisely what i wanna talk about but i have no idea how to tell her
jadi pemain latar di film-film gitu lumayan juga ya, kagak ngapal dialog, cuma menuh-menuhin background biar keliatan "hidup" tapi dibayar cuy
can't really keep up with pop culture news these days, i'm getting old (at heart)
"college degrees can't get you nowhere" MY ASS!! college degress CAN get me ANYFOOKINWHERE!! and hence i want it BAD!!
let's commit misconduct, i'll be your bonnie to your clyde
loh? ternyata news boyband jepang tuh belum bubar toh? gila dari 2003-2024 tuh lebih dari 2 dekade. mulai membernya masih 9, ditinggal taka jadi vokalis oor, sampe sekarang tinggal berempat 😩👍🏼
pendidikan dimulai dari lingkup keluarga, sayangnya banyak orang tua yang cuma demen buat anak tapi ngurusnya acuh tak acuh. imbasnya makin banyak insan-insan yang kerjaannya menuhin populasi bumi doang
emotion is such a major key role in singing a song. without it, it's just an ordinary singing, you could sound good, but not touching nor moving.
i was obsessed with the song margaret before tiktok ruining it fgs
remember the time when leeknow was debuted originally as a rapper, but seeing him now getting more vocal lines and becoming more comfortable in singing, i guess it's such an improvement
babies are insufferable but it doesn't change the fact that i once was.
gue yakin nggak ada demokrasi yang sempurna. even pemilihan umum yang katanya mengusung asas luber jurdil aja masih banyak penggembungan suara, terang-terangan mencurangi rakyat kok
now that i can functionate panorama properly 🤠
being honest with what we feel somehow ended up nasty but it's always for the better
each time benson boone does backflip i immediately hear lana screaming, "FUCKING BENSON!! I DON'T HAVE FUCKING INSURANCE ON THAT BULLSHIT!! THANK YOU. THANKS. GEEZ."