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Post Refugee, Democrat, Writer, Humorist
We were out on the lake yesterday enjoying the fourth as much as we could. Everything was as pleasant as possible, given the state of our country until the little Nazis showed up Boatloads of teenage MAGA freaks. Little assholes ruined the day by chanting Trump Trump Trump Trump Party over
So much to talk about. The psycho on the left or the psycho on the right. Sooo much inner shame for Loomer huh? She’s going to Michael Jackson right through that nose cartilage if she’s not careful.
You know in the movies where the bad guy never dies? They look dead, but then they spring to life and grab the hero by the ankle. Sometimes they survive multiple movies like Michael in Halloween. Killed over and over until Jaime Lee Curtis junkyard-crushed him finally JLC needs to go to AZ
#Posties are taking profile screenshots before we go off—here’s mine from the best little party ever:
Oooh—convicted felon Big Daddy Donny can’t go to Canada— (But Melania can…)
Elise went on the Sunday shows. She her face? See how only half of her Ozempic Botox mouth works? That’s because she is lying all the time and only half her face can do it. It happens to all of the lying liars
It’s just a couple weeks until pride folks, and that means that the entire Republican side of this country is good to go apeshit crazy Because these real men and these alpha dogs are so scared of rainbows that they are just going to freak the fuck out and I wait all year for the spectacle
Behold the snorting pawing pious pope kissing Alpha male paragon of justice as he denies responsibility and throws his trad wife under Thomas’s 300k bus. Such strength. Such backbone. What a fucking fighter for the constitution. What a man…
Small group at the back in a little clump.
Remembering Cricket. What the fuck is wrong with Republicans? They shouldn’t have dogs. Or children. Or votes.
Let us remember as we judge Kristi Noam—and we should—for being a puppy killer—that she is also has been banging this junkyard dog for years so yeah—this grotesque self maimed governor is all twisted up inside with her so called values. But she loves Jesus. And horses. An American Girl.
I agree. The lengths she goes to—all the women—makes me physically hurt and their desire to be killers is horrifying. Here she is when she was a mammal:
That’s wonderful. For fifteen years I wore this pendant including all the major paths. I would tell people it meant I believed in all of it and none of it. With Christianity= MAGA, I simply cannot celebrate religion. A-Theist does not mean that I know anything except all these are wrong.
End of feed.