
It's ridiculous that most Democrats are just watching passively as Republicans are passing mask bans. In states where Democrats hold power, they should absolutely be passing laws that codify and protect people's rights to wear a mask.
Over the last four years, the Democrats have repeatedly proven that they don’t care about actually advancing public health. They want masks gone just as much as the Republicans. Both parties support mass infection for capitalism.
The democratic establishment does not care about the pandemic. And they care a lot about the ability of the state to curtail & surveil protests.
Curtail and surveil protests with a side order of ugly laws.
pretty sure biden ended covid protections lol
Yes, he did, but he did far better than Trump. Trump defunded Government functions so nothing was done correctly, causing millions to lose their lives. I align with Bernie far more than Biden, but just saying one is even worse than the other.
Provide some points, just saying he didn't doesn't say anything.
It's all in the public record. I am not spending time educating you at this point.
I don't need you to do that. I know the public records very well. I know Biden did a poor job. I was simply saying to never forget what Trump did. He promoted anti-mask and completely defunded the department that deals with things like the Pandemic. People tend to forgive the previous for odd reason
shut the fuck up
We warned about this weeks ago. People like you told us we shouldn't worry. I knew this was inevitable after masking was promoted at protests -- I knew they'd turn around & ban masks in the name of "public safety" (the irony isn't lost on me).
The Democrats don't care anymore than Republicans. We have been telling you this. If you are ill/disabled they are actively trying to kill you.
Yeah that's why they rolled out a vaccine for free and give it to everyone, because they don't care. You are very smart and only eat a small amount of lead paint chips.
You are not very well informed.
No honey, that's you because you seem to think it;s 2020 and Covid is killing a million people a year.
You are literally claiming attempted murder. You should take a step back and realize just how utterly stupid that sounds. And yet, you put it out on the internet for everyone to see.
Just look at the CDC and how they bent over backwards to give up and the fed Democrats aren't doing anything there.
Mask BANS? Like BANS? As in forbidden? I say this entirely too much but what the hell is wrong with the USA? How can you legally intrude on someone's freedom to wear a mask if they so choose? I can't fathom anything that goes on in your country. I really can't.
Well, you justify it by first doing nothing to stop a vigilante group that for decades commits racial violence while wearing concealing masks, pretending that you don't know who's under the robes. Then when you can't do that anymore, pretend that all things that conceal identity in public are bad.
But make an exception for the people who do wear those robes/masks to do harm
But my national security surveillance state money?
psst! capitalists…..they work together.
They care as much about the pandemic as they do marginalized people's rights: Enough to say something offhand or even propose a bill they don't bother pushing to the floor for a vote, but never anything that can't immediately be undone the moment it's the red fascist's turn in the big white office.
There is no evidence that Biden cares about this.
Wait, this isn't sarcasm?
Oh yeah, the old "why don't Blue States just make laws to protect people's rights" argument. And here's your answer: every time we do, the judges overturn them. You only need one wingnut to undo the work.
Judge blocks New York abortion rights amendment due to go before In a blow to reproductive rights advocates and Democrats, judge rules procedures were not followed for constitutional amendment
That's because they're really all the same. They're only split up into two group to keep us divided enough to stop us from overthrowing them.
But if they do that, they can’t ask for campaign money. You can’t raise funds for things you’ve already codified.
Never understood why they hate masks so much.
The security apparatus is really leaning on face recognition tech. Masks thwart this
It also acts as a visual reminder of failure and vulnerability
I guarantee you that mask ban doesn't get enforced when the KKK rolls through town for another one of their white pride parades.
The single good thing under Trump was that people were taking COVID-19 precautions to spite him and his administration. Biden quickly shut anything approaching a pandemic response as to not take any political flak for there being a pandemic. It's why he won't take action here.
No, that would be dumb. Like passing a law protecting your right to wear purple.