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I'm Ghett0. My opinions are my own and not my employer's.
Keep using AI for frivolous reasons while we burn electricity to make bad AI photos and write things for us....
The story is always the same: major tech companies tell us they care about the environment to silence criticism, then never actually follow through. Google’s emissions are up ~50% in 5 years, following similar news Microsoft is also blowing past its climate commitments.
Google’s emissions climb nearly 50% in five years due to AI energy Tech giant’s goal of reducing climate footprint at risk as it grows increasingly reliant on energy-hungry data centres
Or don't, and allow climate change and Darwinism to naturally select you. 🤦
Please for the love of god wear sunblock.
I got to introduce friends to the wonders of DSN Now last night so if you don’t already know, you can see which space robots we are talking to any time you want in real time here: 🧪🔭 (hi new horizons)
Deep Space Network The real time status of communications with our deep space explorers
Cities, "Not overdrawing the power grid is a matter of personal responsibility, don't use your AC!" Every tech company, "LET'S ADD MORE AI SUCKING UP POWER" Cities, "Great idea! How about you do it here and don't pay taxes?"
Make a band less Six Inch Nails
Make a band less 10 Maniacs
Canadians nailing it, as usual.
They’re getting mad at the Onion’s annual Mother’s Day re-post
This dining room mosaic depicts an aquatic scene with Cupid riding a dolphin surrounded by seahorses & seapanthers. The scene also depicts large wine jars with tendrils. Dolphins, wine & growth are associated with Dionysus so the allusion in a dining room may be deliberate 🕰️Mid-C2CE 🏛️Fishbourne 📷me
Can we have an eclipse every Monday? I’ve gotten so much less email today.
Everyone should learn about the "Pinto BBQ" around age 12 to ensure they understand that your safety and your life has a dollar value attached to it that some companies are comfortable paying at the cost of your existence.
Boeing apologizes for miscalculating how many of you they could kill cutting corners before everyone got all mad
Happy "The UK Sun Never Read Frankenstein" Day to all who celebrate
Thomas Müller. Fucking. Legend.
Are there any Scandinavian psychologist or sociologists on here who might want to talk to me a little bit about Law of Jante? Or any other social science professionals from other cultures with a similar code of conduct? Let me know your contact info, if you’re interested!
My children and their children will likely grow up in a hellscape of escalating weather-related catastrophes prompting mass migration and endless unrest but what if the robots won't say the n-word? Has anyone thought of that?
I don't invest in Crypto because it's a massive environmental black hole that has no perceived value to me. I can't justify the environmental damage, regardless of the financial gains.
Got my weekend reading sorted.
The past 2 years, I have seen US temperatures 500+ miles south of me get the winters I USED to get, while I enjoy balmy weather. Climate change is VERY real, and if you don't think so, you aren't paying attention.
To those deniers that use the very cold temperatures you are experiencing today to say climate change isn't real, May I present this image. South Baffin Island, Nunavut is the hotspot for Canada right now. It's +3C currently here in Iqaluit.
To those deniers that use the very cold temperatures you are experiencing today to say climate change isn't real, May I present this image. South Baffin Island, Nunavut is the hotspot for Canada right now. It's +3C currently here in Iqaluit.
Augsburg find the goal, but just a step offside. Augsburg hearts are broken, having thought they went 1 up on the league leaders. Pure entertainment. How can you not love Bundesliga football?
Augsburg showing their reputation as Big Game Hunters by not only holding off League leaders Leverkusen, but giving them a good scare. As entertaining as a nil nil gets in footy for my money.