Clint Eastwood Gacy

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Clint Eastwood Gacy

Drinker, writer, gambler, dog butler. He/him/hey asshole.
God has a chance to do something really funny right now...
Happy Independence Day to those who have recently been placed back into a monarchy.
Daily Star is quietly becoming one of the last bastions of honest journalism in the UK.
An Instagram video just pointed out that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was set in 1986 and came out in 2002, and if a game came out today set 16 years ago the cultural references would be Iron Man and The Dark Knight. I'm old, I hate it, and everyone can go fuck themselves.
Our internet is being screwy so we started watching our Twilight Zone boxed set DVDs. Immediately remembered that I can't be trusted not to get excited recognising actors from the 1950s. In tonight's episode, "Holy shit, Charles Bronson! Pre-moustache!"
Today I learned that "gavotte" is a type of dance, and that the line in "You're So Vain" is not, as a result, "one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself cavort" as I'd always assumed. Nobody cares.
“Everyone say cheese!” “Cheese!” “Cheese!” “Cheese!” “Cheese!” “Fuck you, Theresa.”
Call me a coward if you like, but if the choices for going into space are a rocket that Boeing built or a rocket that Musk built, I'm staying on the fucking ground.
Always a fan of a bad Photoshop in an eBay add. Behold, this weirdly tiny man doing pull-ups!
happy corporate #pride!
I've been made aware of this book series and I'm very tempted to start reading and reviewing them. At the very least, I feel like I should get this one as a full back tattoo...
I'm not saying I'm in favour of child labour, I'm just saying that kids have a bunch of energy and I have less over time, and kids still think the novelty of menial labour is cool...
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Is THIS how we bully these assholes into paying their taxes?! Unflattering portraits?! Fragile little bitches, every one of them...
Hannibal Lecter has just released a statement attempting to distance himself from the dangerous madman Donald Trump...
Hand-written sign at work: "Good Day's Are Coming." Good Day's are coming. Poor literacy is forever.
"He was the most uncomfortable looking man I've ever seen on a horse," said one...
From a review of a compass, written by an idiot, signifying nothing. Isn't survival the most important thing in literally every second of every creature's life?!
People have all kinds of weird body modification done these days, and I swear I'm one step away from getting a nipple piercing that has one of those bank pens with a chain attached to it. (I didn't have a pen on me. Again. I own so many pens, you guys...)
I'm now watching Land Of Bad, which somehow manages to star the Other Hemsworth Brother, and the OTHER Other Hemsworth Brother. And Russell Crowe.
Jurassic World and the sequels are free on Netflix. Decided to give them a go. As a review, I'd say that society needs to find a new word if we're not meant to say "retarded" anymore.
Kid: Hey look- it's the guy who's terrible at comebacks Me: Why don't you go cook a hot dog
Not saying I'm out of shape, but I picked up a gym towel and there was a spider living under it...
Ariana Grande has released a perfume called R.E.M, and I feel like the members of R.E.M have a golden opportunity to do something funny, here...
The radio just described Bryan Adams as "Canada's answer to Bruce Springsteen," to which I'd point out that Canada wasn't fucking asked...
the only constantinople is changeinople
Tly o get! M but. T to bug;3ooo Lg mkg