Clint Eastwood Gacy

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Clint Eastwood Gacy

Drinker, writer, gambler, dog butler. He/him/hey asshole.
"But we don't even give a shit about our able-bodied customers!" - 90% of companies.
Earlier today, I was watching a YouTube video and the main video stopped to allow the host to do an ad for their own line of products, when the the video cut to another ad. We've ad-ceptioned. The ads are being interrupted by other ads.
Haven't seen Shapiro in a long time, deliberately. Gosh, he looks so much more macho and grown up with that beard. No, wait, the other thing. "Like a fucking dickhead." He looks like a fucking dickhead with that beard. I refuse to believe it's not drawn on.
Always very good in "Justified" and "The Shield", I felt.
“political violence” is when violence is done to a politician. everything they cause is a different thing and you shouldn’t worry about it
I wonder what the attendance numbers were for the Trump rally vs. the number of Trumpers who will now claim to have been there. It's going to become the Red Foxx walk-off of assassination attempts.
I don't want to say this is a bad omen for the football, but it seems to be a day of disappointing shots that weren't quite on target...
The left is starting to get better at gun violence and it's making conservatives nervous...
rejecting the failing upward model and have instead set myself to succeeding downward
Kids today don't know what it was like to memorise the controls of a game you haven't played yet from a little booklet you read on the bus on the way home, and fuck me, I'm Grandpa Simpson, somehow...
Wait... Is "Return of the Mack" the sequel to "Jimmy Mack" ?! Does it finally answer when he was coming back?!
Forgot my watch. First time this year. My lilly-white watch tan is now a sunburned wrist.
Just checked Wikipedia synopsis. Dinosaur butlers, eh?
Then how did he explain the Will Smith character in 3001?! (...I haven't read it...)
Ah, shit, and I just put a ferret in my upper airway...!
"Nikki Rain is a bounty hunter by day and an exotic dancer by night, but when her something somethings, she's forced to... fucking... look, there will be some extremely softcore dancing in this and a few actors you vaguely recognise. It's the 90s, what else are you going to do with your evening?!"
I'm hurting for cash, that's about the best I can do...
Tulsa King was an interesting idea turned into the most banal slop possible. This gangster is the hero, see! He's played by Sly Stallone! He's creating jobs! Criminals are just misunderstood! There are literally no downsides to the mafia coming to town!
She's friends with that guy on the left of the photo who had the shits.
It's always important to find locally-sourced horror. I was chased through the woods by one of those imported chainsaw-wielding maniacs the other day and it's just not the same.
God has a chance to do something really funny right now...
Happy Independence Day to those who have recently been placed back into a monarchy.
There's a headstone for an old cowboy named Clay Allison that says "He never killed a man that did not need killing." Seems like a life well lived.
A slight incline could beat Donald Trump. A grade-school test paper could beat Donald Trump. Hell, Stormy Daniels beat Donald Trump, the Democrats should run her!
Only person to ever beat Donald Trump, as though Trump is some kind of unstoppable campaigning machine instead of a fat, rapey asshole who's 1 and 1 for elections.
Daily Star is quietly becoming one of the last bastions of honest journalism in the UK.
Disco supports scroll-bleach, and has joined the effort by sitting like a good girl.
I work as a postman and can confirm that sometimes the company satnav takes you somewhere that is nowhere near the address. Never Karachi as of yet, but I don't necessarily rule it out.