
under the opinion in trump v. united states there was no need for john yoo to come up with an elaborate justification for torture. george w. bush could have ordered an interrogator to crush the testicles of a child, no questions asked.
Yes, but both before and after Trump v US the interrogator could be prosecuted and the president would have to pardon them. Not sure how relevant this is—that avenue of lawlessness has always been open.
it is relevant inasmuch that even a prosecution of the interrogator may want to bring evidence of illegal intent from the white house
There is also every reason to think that this court will expand Trump v. U.S in his second term to extend immunity to those doing his bidding. I.e., “Our holding in Trump v. U.S. demands that government officials be able to enact the will of the executive without fear of criminal proceedings.”
They're basically annihilating the entire concept of judicial review. "This action you're taking is unconstitutional, but there's no penalty for it if you do so, or for the people who knowingly carry out unconstitutional acts"
Also if we follow Roberts's logic that constant prosecutions of Presidents for carrying out official acts will throw the executive into chaos, so would prosecuting anyone with the capacity to carry out those acts
Or they are supercharging it - 'you can do all the official acts you want, but guess who gets to decide what an official act is?'
But what they did is kneecap themselves. There's no real legal incentive for a President to care about anything SCOTUS says if the only remedy is convincing 66 Senators to convict and remove.
They won’t have to. The Trump DOJ is not going to charge them. And if Trump ever leaves office alive, he will pardon them first.
Another route is that every time a president asks someone to do something, the request itself serves as an implicit pardon.
This doesn't work, because you can't preemptively pardon so they have to go the full nine yards and make clear what they are doing ( even if it's saying you *can* preemptively pardon)
I am extremely skeptical of any “SCOTUS will respect severe limits on the pardon power” theory.
Yes, that's why I said they could explicitly remove that limitation.
"The three branches being coequal, our finding of presidential immunity also confers me personally, head of the judicial branch, infinite absolute immunity. This will also apply to Congress whenever a Republican is Speaker."
How could someone possibly say that the President has immunity for an giving an order but the person who folliws it does not? Doesn't pass the smell test, especially given the reasoning that the Prez got this immunity so he can act quickly and decisively without thinking of legal consequences.
Doesn't even need the courts. The president can direct Justice not to investigate or prosecute (technically the ruling says this might be illegal, but it gets a *presumption* of immunity and all evidence is inadmissible) or the president can issue pardons (absolutely immune even if sold openly).
Oh come on now. No one has ever argued they were "just following orders" when on trial for doing some supremely heinous, evil shit before!
I mean, from a policy execution standpoint, it'd be insane not to. Remember, Hitler never had to repeal the Weimar Constitution. He just filled it with enough loopholes that he could do whatever he wanted.
So don’t give them the opportunity. Work your butt off and ensure he’s beaten by such numbers no amount of fuckery will help him. Then make sure the democrats actually investigate and impeach justices NEXT year not in 2028. Stay on them.
Ah yes. The just-following-orders defense.
There's also reason to believe that if the Republicans win in November, the *court* will be expanded to make a 9-3 majority that lasts another 40 years.
Can we just skip to the part where fascist America is defeated by a coalition of allies? I estimate roughly 2040, maybe.