
Chris Townley
Chris Townley
The latest measurements of the most important GHG in the Earth’s air--3400 metres above sea level near the top of the Earth's largest mountain & the middle of its largest ocean.

Posts by Michael McGee, b. 318 ppm, creator of CO2.Earth.
Paul Cobb
Paul Cobb
At work I help build climate, adaptation, and risk analysis training courses and professional development programs. Otherwise most of my time goes to kids and cooking tbh. But skiing too when I can.
Public policy student. I learned a lot about disability and eldercare as a family caregiver and the system made me so mad I went to grad school out of spite. For fun: culture, linguistics, historical architecture and fashion, walkable cities, cats
Corey C
Corey C
Ask me about my dog
Sordan Jnodgrass
Sordan Jnodgrass
Just some random vato in Sandy Eggo named Sordan Jnodgrass. Skeptic. Skeptical of skeptics. Skeptical of skeptics who are skeptical of skeptics. I make dumb music sometimes too:
former software engineer at twitter before the apartheid kid took over
Andreas Stråbø Normann
Andreas Stråbø Normann
Vann- og avløpsingeniør. Interessert i vannlekkasjer, klima, brettspill, og barna mine.
Horrorculturist 🦇🥀🕸
Horrorculturist 🦇🥀🕸
Goblincore. Gothic gardener. 🇨🇦. Zone 6. Dark art, horror, Halloween, poisonous plants. Nyctophile. Autistic murder hornet. Genderqueer. They/them. 🌿🍁🍂🎃

Existence is not an endorsement of reality.
Dr. Dennis Eckmeier
Dr. Dennis Eckmeier
Science Writer for German YouTube channel "Doktor Whatson". Grimme Online Award 2023, Sartorius LifeScienceXplained 2023 award.
Scientific background: Biology & Neuroscience.
Born at 333 ppm.
AGU Hydrology H3S
AGU Hydrology H3S
AGU Hydrology Section Student Subcommittee. Serving early career hydrological sciences community.
飯テロbot (お料理+献立一覧)
飯テロbot (お料理+献立一覧)
手動botです。RTで腹へり共有♪ᐠ( ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ )ᐟ

夕飯なにする? 何食べたい?毎日の“献立”の悩みを解消するべく誕生したお料理一覧アカウント。料理画像を投稿。
EDM Artist who's keeping it real.
💽 100M+ plays across music platforms.
👇Listen to "Don't Stop The Music"👇
Klara Ellström
Klara Ellström
Förtroendevald Uppsalabo. Fladdermusentusiast.
Ekbal Hussain
Ekbal Hussain
Hazard scientist at the British Geological Survey. I post about natural hazards, earth observation, InSAR, climate change & disaster risk. Also my cat and books I'm currently reading.
Ronojoy Mazumdar
Ronojoy Mazumdar
Reporter covering sovereign debt, currencies, climate finance. Patiently waiting for the humanities to reclaim Economics. Opinions are my own.
Monica C. Camacho
Monica C. Camacho
Open Source Investigator @ Lighthouse Reports. Jack of all trades. She/her.
Bat Boy Lives!

Same attitude as that Ex-place, but with half the assholios.

Yes, that is my hair...
Multidisciplinerdy. Lit & language geek, Comp Sci PhD (AI), teacher of many subjects. Jack of all trades. Jewish hillbilly. 🏳️‍🌈 queer nonbinary she/her/elle. @ewinnz on Threads/Instagram.
Elon Musk Quotes
Elon Musk Quotes
Sharing the greatest thoughts brought by Elon Musk and Parody/fun account
Patricia Shannon
Patricia Shannon
M.A. in math. Devoted to love, truth, fairness, rationality. Lacto-vegetarian. Retired computer programmer/analyst. Songwriter.
Erik Nordman
Erik Nordman
Consultant in climate resilience, environmental econ & policy • Author: The Uncommon Knowledge of Elinor Ostrom • Speaker • Fulbrighter (Kenya)
Fletcher Durant
Fletcher Durant
Preservation : Conservation : Acad. Libraries : Archives : Stuff
Infopoint #Klimawandel #Artensterben
Infopoint #Klimawandel #Artensterben
RPs/❤️ not endorsement.

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency
#Biodiversity #Biodiversität
Katharine Hayhoe
Katharine Hayhoe
climate scientist and professor, Texas Tech
chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy
board member, Smithsonian NMNH
alum, UofT and UIUC
author, Saving Us

🧶📖❄️ are my favorite things
TX is where I live and 🇨🇦 is my home
Posts 100% my own
Monte Paulsen, Climate Ready Buildings Group
Monte Paulsen, Climate Ready Buildings Group
Manager, Climate Ready Buildings Group. Teacher, Pattern Language from Passive House. Settler, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh land. Skipper, Martin 242. Father, Seamus & Galen.
Émeline Comby
Émeline Comby
Géographe intéressée par l’eau, les villes, les luttes environnementales, l’enseignement, la cuisine, les risques... Lyonnaise qui aime bouger et un peu mieux comprendre l’ici et l’ailleurs.
Benjamin Jullien
Benjamin Jullien
Doing comms around how climate impacts affect the economy, and how economics addresses that, with GSCC Network.
Formerly at Les Echos, La Tribune, McKinsey&Co.
Born 331ppm
Geoff Staneff
Geoff Staneff
Former thermoelectrics and fuel cell scientist, software and data product manager; current forestry startup guy trying to reduce the impact of future wildfires. PNW based, have visited high intensity burns this year from Northern BC to the Sierras.
Dan Miller
Dan Miller
Queens chapter leader for Open New York. YIMBY, pro-transit, pro-biking, anti-borders and cars. He/him
Brandon Bishop
Brandon Bishop
Seismologist, investigates the Andes and subduction zones, post doc at St. Louis University
Matt Lanza
Matt Lanza
Meteorologist in Houston #housky helping business manage weather risk. Editor: The Eyewall also at Space City Weather

Rutgers grad, dad x2, husband. I like books, news, the desert, Willamette wine, and sports. Be good to each other.
Chad Briggs
Chad Briggs
Disaster risk & crisis management professor at AIM in Manila, hybrid warfare & disinfo researcher, purveyor of climate security and undesirable futures. RPG writer. Past lives in Alaska, Kosovo, Ukraine, Hungary, Ireland and elsewhere
Katie Matthews, PhD
Katie Matthews, PhD
Lapsed geologist, Chief Scientist at Oceana, dog mom. DC born and raised. Philly is my 2nd home. 🖖

Skeets my own - mostly oceans+science and Phillies at present.
Sarah Dougherty
Sarah Dougherty
Economist focused on climate finance and other ways to solve and survive climate change. Current @nrdc. e-bike evangelist. Atlanta, GA.
Political philosophy, critical political economy, finance, climate.
Creative Catjk
Creative Catjk
Creative, artistic, theatrey, engaged in the world people are my tribe. Reformed analyst.
Love and solidarity to you all (to quote Mona Eltahawy - it's her line, but the sentiment can be shared)
J. Chris Pires
J. Chris Pires
Professor passionate about student success and team science #firstgen #Brassica enthusiast walking with Dogs of the Plant World
Following the #Science exodus from the other place
Code Red
Code Red
🌎 From melting ice to raging wildfires, witness the impacts and explore solutions. Sparking conversations that matter about our planet’s future.
NPQ (Nonprofit Quarterly)
NPQ (Nonprofit Quarterly)
Journalism for civil society. Reporting on leadership, climate justice, racial justice, health justice, economic justice, philanthropy, and equity issues.
Ketan Joshi
Ketan Joshi
Fighting alongside my friends for the best possible pathway to climate justice and fossil fuel elimination. Anti-greenwashing.

Creator / curator of Greensky: [email protected]
Crown shy.

(Hi Sam.)