Monte Paulsen, Climate Ready Buildings Group

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Monte Paulsen, Climate Ready Buildings Group

Manager, Climate Ready Buildings Group. Teacher, Pattern Language from Passive House. Settler, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh land. Skipper, Martin 242. Father, Seamus & Galen.
Fuck it. I am putting Being Awkward Around My Work Crush(es) under skills on LinkedIn.
A large, mysterious monolith was found near a trail in the Desert National Wildlife Refuge north of Las Vegas over the weekend. It was not immediately clear where the object had come from.
A Mysterious Monolith Appears Near Las Vegas. Why? It’s Anyone’s A volunteer search-and-rescue organization reported finding the monolith over the weekend near the Gass Peak trail, which is north of Las Vegas.
A US soldier quoted in this story, not the headliner airman, says they're "experiencing tangible mental health consequences as a result of watching a genocide in real time while simultaneously wearing a uniform that represents it." That's extremely real.
“Utterly Dismayed”: Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Riley Livermore joins a burgeoning wave of dissent within the Biden administration and the military over U.S. support for Israel’s war on Gaza.
“The Jesuit priests, when you thought that all of a sudden the whole world was pounding on you, they would say ‘Illegitimi non carborundum,’ which means ‘don’t let the bastards wear you down,’ which … lately, that is a very relevant and appropriate saying,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told Dr. Sanjay Gupta.
Dr. Anthony Fauci says empathy motivated his medical career but an old phrase from high school kept him going | “Don’t let the bastards wear you down.” That phrase, instilled in Dr. Anthony Fauci as a student at a Jesuit-run school might as well be the motto of his professional life.
It would seem to me to have a hope at profitability you either need to: 1) own your own servers (Amazon) or 2) own your content to minimize licensing costs (Disney). Everything else makes you a very unwieldy cable channel.
Jacobin is great because they seem to assume the problem with the streaming industry is that it's owned by venture capitalists and investment firms, not that the basic streaming model was priced unprofitably and/or is simply very hard to make profitable to begin with.
Next time you feel like a failure...
“As temperatures rose past 122 degrees… jails reported thousands of cases of boils, rashes and skin disease among inmates. Authorities raced to reduce the crowding, which was caused by a draconian six-year campaign against drugs started by Rodrigo Duterte…”
Extreme heat takes withering toll in teeming Philippine A historic heat wave has struck the Philippines, home to some of the world’s most congested detention facilities.
It already is. The heat dome over Africa this week is going to kill 1000s in the Sudan this week and nobody other than UNICEF seems to be even talking about it.🥺
The suburbs fuck people up. I say hi to strangers & you never know who'll lash out because you're the only human they've encountered all day (week?) & they're now Gollums defaulting to defensiveness. The GOP loves housing policies that force more people out to nowhere! Dems should try the opposite!
🚨INVESTIGATION: Amid the climate crisis, U.S. cities now face a potential epidemic of deadly landslides, but governments aren't planning for them & don't want to admit the problem. The Lever reports from a major oil state's capital city - which is now basically falling into the ocean.
Cloudy With A Chance Of As climate change increases the likelihood of deadly landslides, cities like Juneau are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The Paris agreement is about putting real blood, sweat and tears into changes that begin the full-scale elimination of fossil fuels from human society, as fast as possible, writes
The hollowness of the 2030 targets What good is a 2030 target if you meet it using accounting tricks instead of real action?
Like, the primary reason why latter Gen X & Millenials are so goddamn tech savvy by default is that the computers we grew up with went fully tits up at least a few times a month, and your only option for fixing it was fuckin figuring it out yourself or asking a friend. That's it.
User-end hardware and the internet have actually gotten so much safer and so un-fucked compared to what it used to be that just about every single Zoomer we've hired at my job over the last two years has effectively ZERO troubleshooting skills because they simply *never had to learn them*.
the early days of file sharing were an adventure “is this my file? is this seventeen minutes of Swiss goat yodeling? is this going to cause 47 porn popups a minute the second one of my parents sits down at the computer?” “how to unfuck my machine” is a skill we don’t often need anymore
If a person keeps breaking driving rules they should no longer be able to drive. “But how will they—?” Not my fucking problem. I’m a pedestrian; they can figure it out.
Driving is a privilege that’s treated like a right because we’ve made it impossible to live without a car in many places and where we haven’t we still give leeway to drivers over everyone else
Two a**holes standing next to me are bragging about running red lights and not paying tickets because are not DC residents and park in garages downtown. One says he has over $10k in tickets, Maybe we need to start having cops pulling over MD plates with excess unpaid tickets and seizing their cars
Turns out that encasing yourself in hundreds of pounds of metal and glass makes you pretty significantly antisocial!
Two a**holes standing next to me are bragging about running red lights and not paying tickets because are not DC residents and park in garages downtown. One says he has over $10k in tickets, Maybe we need to start having cops pulling over MD plates with excess unpaid tickets and seizing their cars
Batteries have replaced 50% of California's gas power compared to a year ago. "Last year, battery deployment in the energy sector increased by more than 130 per cent year over year" Storage replaced fossil fuels. And it is coming on fast and getting cheaper.
AI boom powers rivals to Tesla’s battery storage Investors have been eyeing under-appreciated storage companies to bet on the AI revolution
I spent some time at the protest against the governor pulling the plug on congestion pricing, and then when walking to the train passed an ambulance that was stopped in crosstown traffic, siren blaring, due to congestion. I'm aware that there's irony there but it's not really very funny.