
Please, if you have ever liked my comics and would like to support me in continuing to make them, throw a couple of bucks at my Patreon. I need your help.
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I've had a good run, if this is as far as I get it was still a good time. But I'd like to keep going. There's stuff I haven't even had time to start yet.
A few years ago, I was making about $2k more a month than I was now. It made a big difference! Now everything costs more, I have a mountain of medical-related debt and I have kids entering college and I don't have a lot of time left. I have to figure out something.
I don't know if it's possible to get a thousand new patrons, It seems unlikely. But it also seems like it's a last-ditch effort worth trying. Again, please, I could use your support.
Get more from Jonathan Rosenberg on creating Comics
If you were talking to me in person like this I’d be quite concerned. I’ve seen you really blowing this up here. Are you physically ok and not in any danger? Is there something you should consider a GoFundMe for ? PS I’m a patron already.
I'm fine! I just need to get my income back to where it was so we're not hemorrhaging money anymore or I have to get a job and stop making comics. One of those. I'd prefer to keep making comics.
Ok ok good. 👍🏼