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Retired biologist (pathology). Living in an intellectual desert, interested in everything.
Scientists are human, and thus sometimes judge things, including scientific matters, through human filters.
Really enjoyed reviewing Jonathan Silvertown's new book for Nature. A quick and great read that asks some big questions about cooperation and parasitism — and how we often and mistakenly apply moral frameworks to the world of biology 🧪 www.nature.com/articles/d41...
Survival of the nicest: have we got evolution the wrong way round?www.nature.com How humans, animals and even single-celled organisms cooperate to survive suggests there’s more to life than just competition, argues a cheering study of evolutionary biology. How humans, animals and ...
Would love to read the full article, but access is behind the Nature journal paywall.
All fields. As an undergrad at U of Maine during late 1970’s, the campus community was like what she proposes to achieve. Not sure if bc it was in a state on the fringe of the rest of the country? Or different culture. Grad school in Oregon was almost the opposite. It was a culture shock for me.
Remembering when qPCRs were relatively new. Had one qPCR on campus and we had to sign up for user time. 23 years later….. Advancing qPCR Through Innovation
In this era of rapid Internet bit-sized information exchange, of which much is misinformation, attention spans are short. Many people don’t make it beyond a few sentences let alone an entire paragraph. Even “abstracts are too long” for some in academia. 🙄
Reposted byAvatar Lzvolk
Baltimore Harbor was an open sewer when I was a kid. Thanks to the Clean Water Act and other environmental laws, and monumental citizen effort, swim events in the harbor are now possible. The supreme court and republicans want us to go back to the days of stinking water. Let's stop them.
The Supreme Court has become a joke in American history. And not a funny joke.
6th season coming late this year or early 2025
I absolutely agree. What has happened to people in this country??? When did it go so terribly wrong?😑
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
Reposted byAvatar Lzvolk
I oppose this worldview—this theory of America—with every fiber of my being.
Reposted byAvatar Lzvolk
In new study led by Bernadeta Dadonaite, we measure how all mutations to H5 influenza HA affect four molecular phenotypes relevant to pandemic risk: www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...   Results can inform surveillance of ongoing evolution of H5N1.
😁 They do seem to challenge conventional thinking and assumptions re: virology. Or did. Perhaps, no longer?
Reposted byAvatar Lzvolk
I wrote a short piece about a new flu subtype (H19) which uses a surprising receptor. We've known about glycans terminating in sialic acid as a receptor for flu for 70 years but the virus still surprises us! Great work by Karakus et al. authors.elsevier.com/a/1jPEg6t8JE... #ViroSky #EvoSky #MicroSky
Fascinating! Now I understand why a former colleague loved researching CoVs. 😏 She said they have many unsolved “mysteries” and she likes a good challenge.
we are now on the *fourth* distinct mode of ACE2 binding in coronaviruses, this time from a distinct clade of merbecovirus. incredibly, not only does it not overlap the sarbecovirus, NL63 *or* NeoCoV/PDF-2180 sites, it's *50Å away on the ACE2 extracellular domain*: www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...
Showing a scientist all the little microscopic origami cranes I made prions fold into and getting a visit from the biosafety and security guys.
CF is my favorite of the few acronyms I use. It’s so apt.
Which is why I had each of the 3 PCRs in my lab labeled for purpose: plasmids, pathogens, or gene sequencing Only. Along with a “Pain of Death” logo if it was ignored.
Be blunt and look ferocious. Also tell them you’re a good shot with a gun or bow. 😏
I’m not usually into appearances but that is the most damned ugly vehicle I’ve ever seen.
Typical Texas! Glad I left.
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Reposted byAvatar Lzvolk
I remember chatter on antihistamines. Now we have proof. Wish a piperazine derivative like cetirizine was included. It’s not a HRH1 antagonist, but an inverse agonist. Would be interested to know if piperazines have same effect on SARS-2 virus.
It’s rather subdued. You’re forgiven. 😄
Reposted byAvatar Lzvolk