
they want us sick and tired so they can control us. they want us poor and unhoused so they can mistreat, imprison, and exploit free labor from us. they want us dead because they like eugenics.
A great way to “stick it to the man” and rebel is to mask. They want you to fit in, rebel by protecting your and other people’s health by masking. Survival of us queer folk especially will piss the fascists off. Help by wearing a well-fitted n95 or better.
“they,” by the way, are the largely white, largely rich capitalists from across the political spectrum. obviously a bit more concentrated on the right, but there are so many democrats and even leftists who only heard the last 4 words of the sentence, “the emergency phase of the pandemic is over.”
also, it’s possible not all of them think they want us dead. it’s entirely possible they’re just bad or ineffectively leaders. still,,,
Incompetence at a certain level is indistinguishable from malice.