MabusTheDark (it/its)

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MabusTheDark (it/its)

Gay Anarchist Bean Monster from space!


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🔞 18+ only
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Are you ready for some hardcore CONTRACT NEGOTIATIONS? Join us! #vtuber Today's stream brought to you by Negotiations™: We know what's best for you!
Seeking immediate work i just had a surprise bill take 54 dollars for an annual membership for my switch and i cant get refunded UGH im dumb and forgot to turn it off >_< any work would help greatly #emergency #MA #MutualAid #artcommissions #hireme #artistforhire #helpsky
Here's some of my absolute favourites from my archive of #artcommissions All of these are full render pieces. Seeking 2 full body full render commissions so I can meet my July funding needs to survive. Thank you for considering my work today!! #furry #art #supportartists
Skittles rules AND has Tales brainrot? How can y'all not watch 'em?
2.5 Hours of troubleshooting and extended downloading later we are back and live with Tales of Arise! The Tales series is very special to my heart and I can’t wait to experience the latest entry and see how the series has evolved! Can’t wait to see you there too 🖤🖤🖤
2.5 Hours of troubleshooting and extended downloading later we are back and live with Tales of Arise! The Tales series is very special to my heart and I can’t wait to experience the latest entry and see how the series has evolved! Can’t wait to see you there too 🖤🖤🖤
As we move into an era in which the court system will serve the most authoritarian elements in our society, the argument that it is necessary to obey the law will be used to excuse complicity in more and more egregious crimes against humanity.
In this context, promoting obedience to the law as a good in itself means accepting that might makes right. All the legitimacy that Biden and his supporters have invested in the legal system have only made it a more dangerous weapon for Donald Trump to employ, should he return to power.
The law is chiefly used against poor people and activists. When it plays a role in internal conflicts within the ruling class, the outcome generally shows the balance of power between the factions.
Law is not an impartial institution that inherently serves to keep tyranny at bay. It is a weapon in the hands of the ruling class.
Yesterday, a Trump-appointed judge threw out the entire classified documents case against Donald Trump, defying over half a century of legal precedents. This should give those who marched with signs reading "no one is above the law" cause to reflect. What is law, anyway? Who does it serve? 🧵⬇️
It's nice that people can't default to transphobia as an excuse for why they can't do their job. It doesn't mean that I'm used to it and it does make me question what motivation their supervisors had in regards to unprofessional behavior towards me. I deserve the same respect anyone else does.
We're trying something new tonight! Analog Horror! Tonight we'll be going over and talking about Angel Hare. To avoid doing react streams and to make sure the creators get as much credit (and clicks) as possible, our format is kind of weird. See thread below! Starting now at
Tonight we'll be doing some Analog Horror watch along. I do not believe in just watching others' content for views so this isn't going to be like public domain movie night. I want to hold myself to that so here's the plan: (cont)
🔴 Live Now! 🔴 Streaming Music: [ENG | PT] Music hard
If the shooting was “not related to the RNC,” why would cops from Columbus, Ohio be involved in the first place? Also, pretty on the nose for cops from a red state to come to a blue city and kill a homeless black guy on the second night of the RNC.
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
LIVE NOW with my 2 hour zine workshop! Getting going with the event in 15 minutes, so you have time to gather! 6pm CT start! Come join the all ages fun! Learn a bit about zines and enjoy a short demo! See you there! #VTuber #Streaming #zines #art
So it turns out the games regardless of steam or epic games store are unplayable on all AMD Radeon 7000 Cards. This is disheartening so the marathon is pushed back indefinitely until Square Enix releases an update. I’m downloading a new game to play and will be back live in the next 20-30 minutes.
Tonight starting RIGHT NOW I’m going starting my Kingdom Hearts Marathon 🖤 This’ll be a big event over the course of the next month, so come on by and stay tuned for more!!! 🖤 WE ARE LIVE ON THE PURPLE APP at Skittles_Witch 🖤🖤🖤
Im still thoroughly in between social media sites and I'm still taking a big hiatus from here but I've missed a week of work due to covid and could use a little help with meds/bills/food. I could use a little mutual aid to get by #masky #mutualaid cashapp $thousandsunnydays 🙏
Pay Rhiannon Miller using Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
We're going live with some Kingdom Hearts 2! We're going to find out who the HERO of this story is through the Hades Trials and whatever happens in the other worlds. Come and hangout with us as we explore this classic! #Vtuber #ENVTuber LINK (🔗):
If anyone wants to know why I've been so pissed lately, it's because I'm the Bisexual Girlfriend and life is just the Straight Boyfriend at Pride Enclosure. Please watch this.
It All Makes Sense in
is anyone available to give me a ride to the vape store so I don't have to bike in 90 degree heat
✨NEW ART✨ A two-headed kaiju who loves willowware dishes and would do anything to protect their beloved plate! A really fun illustration commission for a friend I know through the Denton Water Project. It's going in her living room accompanying a willowware collection! #art #artistforhire