
It cannot be stated enough how damaging it is for liberals to explain and condescend to young leftists watching their planet burn how they are wrong.
dave i keep telling you it’s time you realized you are not a young leftist
oh boy it’s worse than i thought
Good politics are slimming!
It's not wise for liberals to do it to early middle aged leftists either. We also have to live in some of the current/upcoming hell.
I still keep wondering where these "liberals" live. There might be a few in Vermont, maybe some from Boston that moved to NH to avoid taxes.
Kind of in awe of how many ways Democrats are failing the youth. Liberal arts college I work at just froze salaries due to a drop in admissions. A number of colleges have closed or are in the brink or closing. Higher education is about to go into freefall, with a Dem in the White House.
Only if you believe that Democrats have some kind of magic wand. It's as if people here think Republicans don't even exist at all.
There is a reason why I have never voted for either a Democrat or a Republican my entire 26 years of voting. During the free-trade riots condescending liberals spread their lies dressed up as economic "fact" and it was transparent as shit. They lost me then and they are losing y'all now.
lol. Yeah man, they are just now losing me.
I like how they shat on Occupy and then took the name to make socmed posts that say *Idris Elba said trump is a douchebag!! LIKE AND SHARE IF YOU AGREE!!*
You never vote for Dems, so what are we losing? Get over yourself 😂
This kind of thinking is why the youth vote if fleeing your party in droves and will never ever come back.
It’s not, but tell yourself what you need to. I’m not about arguing on social media 🤷🏾‍♀️
So you've just never voted then, noted.
Sometimes I don't vote, but pretty much only if there are no ballot measures worth voting on. I leave votes for candidates blank if it's just a choice between D&R. Mostly I vote Green Party and whatever Socialists party candidates I can.
Yeah that's what I said.
Ah I see. You're brainwashed into believing that the only acceptable civic participation is to vote for one of two options in any given election. It's sad how limited your world view is.
I see you don't understand basic math.
liberals should be subjected to their own evils more often
How about earnestly explaining where we went wrong in hopes they'll avoid the same mistakes?
This is called stacking the deck. I doubt any liberal is explaining anything to anyone re: climate change. We are asking them to remember what voting is for and who the Republicans are. As an old gay man, I don’t have the privilege to ignore either of those things.
Right, that's what I was talking about. Thanks for an example.
old gay man here. years of condescension from older, mostly white liberals about issues that are life and death to me as a queer, Black person has only alienated me out of electoral politics altogether. It might be time to consider a new method of outreach.
Maybe we should have a President who loves Republicans less then
Your staunch refusal to see the big picture to just vote in your own self interest is nothing but privilege.
Just have them watch the weather channel
I think a big source of the problem is the Overton Window has been slammed so hard to the right that “Liberals” essentially mean “like, not a literal Nazi, sympathizer or fascist, but still willing to compromise with them” + our cultural conflation of “Liberal” with “liberal/leftist/prog politics”
Problem with liberals in a nutshell here. They're bean counters, and they'll do it for a orphanage or a concentration camp. For them that's the same job.
That’s literally the problem I was discussing though. We’re equating “both sides are the same, may as well go along with the flow” types with people with actual liberal tendencies. And it makes any discussion murky at best.
I'm not sure what's the not-impenetrably-murky way to go about this discussion, but that equation is accurate as far as I'm concerned. There's no "genuine" and "corrupted" liberals on this point, they all agree to serve the status quo at the end of the day.
I think that’s largely due to the overall culture allowing conservatives to reframe moderates as Liberals when they’re anything but. They’re the “white moderate” demo that was the target of MLK’s ire. The “well if they just blended in” or “didn’t rock the boat” types.
Well, they are okay with harm to however many of “them” so long as it doesn’t impact or cause them to have to investigate their own complicity. In the LGBT+ community, they’re the “respectability politics” types - although I’m sure it applies to other groups I’m not as familiar with.
Watching their planet burn and… not voting against a fascist as a response. Certainly a choice.
They did this shit to me when I was 20 and angry. Nearly two decades later the fuckers still talk at me the exact same way. It’s amazing.
The system self perpetuates, based entirely upon the assumption of non compromise