
Okay I know dying sucks but how about chigger bites ON a poison ivy rash
I’m also on a 21-day course of doxycycline for this fancy bullseye rash on my leg. Motherfucking Mother Nature is trying hard to make me extinct.
Doxycycline can put the rest of your misery in its place though. That stuff just brings on projectile vomiting for me (I had to take it for the same reason. Damn ticks).
I have a perpetual headache from it. Thankfully. ButOMGtheITCHINGGGGGGG
I have steroid, caladryl, domeboro, hydroxyzine, and the rage of 10,000 suns and I still itch I am itch-bitch
I had some sort of reaction (possibly stress hives) and the itching was horrendous, I couldn’t sleep. Got maybe a couple of hours over a few days. Took scalding showers in the hope that would cancel out the itching. Finally stopped “waiting” for it to go away on its own and bought Benedryl.
Friend, I’ve had this BS, repeatedly in one spot only (right elbow). Claritin is helpful (instead of Benadryl), and the best addition to that is some topical steroid (my doc rxes triamcinolone acetonide). Teladoc is covered by FEHB. 😁
I may need to stock up on some Claritin the next time I go shopping.
I had bought Benedryl because 1) Was desperate for it all to stop and 2) I know that Benedryl knocks me the hell out. As in one moment I’m awake and the next moment several hours had passed.
Benadryl is quite good for that, where Claritin isn’t!
Oh horrid! Lived in Midwest, chiggers are nasty but added to poison ivy…knock yourself out with something!!