
i want to add: if you’ve stopped masking for whatever reason, you can start again. it makes spaces more accessible, it helps preserve your health and the health of the people around you. it’s a tiny action you can take to make the world safer.
"If only I could do something that would have a positive impact on the world-" You can. Mask up.
I've been on a 14 hour and a 16 hour train ride on two seperate days last week. All that time. Through the WHOLE OF GERMANY, i have seen ONE person aside from myself who wore a mask. I felt like the biggest monkey on the planet.
You won’t in three to five days when everybody is sick at home and you aren’t.
Maybe. But all the "stats" and "reason" dont help me when i feel like "that guy" again. Always the weirdo, always the odd one out. People didnt seem sick either, or showed any usual covid signs. Its hard to keep up...
I went to a week long work conference back in February where I was the only person at my big company's sales and marketing meeting to wear a mask, and I wore my Flo mask so it stood out even more. It sucks to feel alienated, and I get it. Without the mask on I'm weird enough as it is.
The cognitive dissonance of people having fun unmasked vs me in my moderately sweaty mask knowing that I am making the right decision for the long run fucking sucks ass. But then a ton of them got covid from each other on the trip. It's a lifelong ant and grasshopper story at this point.
Ill never know how many trips and outings I took when I masked without needing to. But I've decided I'd rather choose that than know for SURE that I didn't mask when I should have.
Also that way you can recognize the smart people so easily ☺️
Maybe thats the big thing about this that terrifies me so much. Seeing tons of people around me, with nobody having the brain/social capacity to do the right thing... Well that makes me just feel awful about the state of the world.
But even though i trust science, there is always that lingering doubt that comes from 'herd mentality'. I hope this whole situation changes some day, for the better.
People will always choose short term fun over long term gain! Their actions aren't about you, it just sucks.
We aren’t birds or fish that get smarter in herds. We get stupider in herds.