
Don't forget the Sharpie.
Never Ask a Man his salary, A Woman her age, What Donald Trump was doing in Spain between 1936-1939
I think the fact that this is a really visceral image for most Americans to look at really drives home the message Like, this is upsetting to look at. It should be. Politicians undermine a democracy you participated in your whole life should be upsetting to you And yes, I do mean "politicians"
Even if that's not what to Supreme Court is supposed to be or do, that's what they're doing and being, that's always been a risky flaw in American democracy and now it's being exploited to death
Clay Bennett is a national treasure.
My gentle, genteel, deeply Christian, former-missionary aunt told my sister months ago that she’d be happy if they just made Trump king of the US. My sister was floored and neither of us have spoken much to her since. I love this lady but it’s a brain infection.
I'm so sorry. My parents are in this situation right now. They've been fundamentalist Christians all their lives and it was....workable. But now, it's Trump all the way.
My dad at least says he doesn’t like either one and probably won’t vote. I think he’d vote for Biden if he wasn’t so deeply republican.
It will be interesting to see how many small r republicans ever actually believed what they've been claiming to want in/from their government or whether it was just tribal following all along. Can't remember the last time I saw an elected waving their pocket constitutions.
Sharpies are THE weapon of the Left.
"good men doing nothing" has consequences too, who knew? 🤨
The system doesn't work without active participants to fight for it to work. But here we go, an entire political party 50 years driven to this type of goal. 50 years of saying they were going to do it and nobody believing them.
“A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody.” ― Thomas Paine
Omg ! I almost forgot about the sharpie. 😜😢 On the bright side, they can change the trajectory of hurricanes (but only for the extremely guilable or brain dead)
The R's almost have 34 States ready to ask for a Constitutional Conference to write a new Constitution.
The beauty in this design is that it can slide down nicely over the top of a red baseball cap.
wrong trump wants to burn it not cut it up next year it will no longer exist nor will your rights our ancestors will turn in there graves after giving there life for it
Don't buy into the rhetoric. It all a shame to bring about a civil war to dissolve the debt, screw over the common people and grow in their (The Power That Be) wealth and power.
👑🤴KING Biden of all 50 States and 16 Territories - LONG LIVE THE KING, LONG LIVE THE KING