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Reposted byAvatar Forest
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Don't forget the Sharpie.
Another day of unwilling paycheck earning
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Even with everything I still have this bemused detachment to the rest of the world in general. There's so many problems that our entirely self-inflicted and we made up the rules that are causing the pain We could just unmake those rules The only problem is that people can't agree.
I had the "no purpose, no passion" spiral that comes with #ADHD. When I work at a job I can do amazing things, I set new boundaries, I set new standards, and I've revolutionized internal stems and processes... But that only lasts about 9 months. Then I get bored and want to move on.
My eyes lose focus, I can't keep them tracked to a point of interest, and it feels like a force is actively fighting against my will. I try to push through, only to be overwhelmed by the sound of static and screaming in my mind, loud enough to block the thought and effort I'm trying to push. #adhd
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Reposted byAvatar Forest
not sure what I want to do on Blue sky. What part of me do I present here. Do I go professional Do I go personal Do I attempt to self-advocate Do I champion other people's causes I know social media is not going to advance my career at this point and it has never been beneficial to my hobbies.
Legislation idea: If your company, or a subsidiary, is currently under investigation or has recently been found liable for harm against people or animals, foreign or domestic... You're not allowed to lobby in Washington.
It's better to just die in the US than try and get health care with private insurance.
Any religious movement honestly, not just Christian.
In my attempt to run for public office I realized that I'm really bad at selling myself. I don't "toot my own horn" because I don't like the sound it makes... I'm smart and I've worked hard to not come off as arrogant or condescending. I lack a skill, a skill I need to do what I want.
X is a fiery hell scape of right wing nuts. To many more that I can't filter them out. Time to commit to a full move and start looking for my follows here.
I need more friends and followers. Looking for more like-minded people to engage me with new perspectives with and grow as a person. I'm tired of hateful Twitter feeds and propaganda.
It's so weird that there are groups of people that get really mad if you don't have matching labels to theirs.
You are a truly unique individual, there is no one like you, from your atoms to your consciousness you are unequivocally and superbly unique.
Conversation lead to me trying to explain to my daughter that the brain is an organic computer that runs primarily on automated processes in an effort to keep itself alive and safe until it can make baby versions of itself while conveying that consciousness is an illusion created by those processes.
I liked my job but now thanks to corporate structuring I have pointless/valueless busy work and I can't get my regular job done efficiently anymore because of needless centralization of the process and lack of local authority.
I'm a Systems/Operations/Process kind guy and I decided I was gonna take a job as a bottom rung guy and just "do the job", because I was tired of having my council ignored and "higher up" folks getting bent went things backfired like I told them it would. Didn't help, still stressed.
1) Culture, Society, and Religion. It's all made up, and none of it matters. 2) More importantly, it completely matters. Humans create rules and create societies, humans look for purpose and create societies, humans look for meaning and create religion.
Now that the sinus surgery is all done I can get back to the languishing depression I was in the middle of.
My whole life feels like just masks and tasks.
I have a weird "for you" section here...
Reposted byAvatar Forest
Assertions require proof or they can be dismissed as opinion and bear no weight in discourse.