
I had to be in the office around people on Wednesday & I still haven't recovered. My brain is still going "hey, wanna go over everything you did and said with a fine tooth comb to see if there's anything that might make someone hate you but not tell you so you can't clear it up before it blows up?"
"People asked you a lot of questions and yes you answered them and gave them time to respond too if they wanted, but you didn't ASK them the same question back, non-autistic people can't answer too unless you ask the question back, they'll think you're self-centered, did you ask any questions back?"
Also I've just been informed about apparently huge office drama around the circumstances in which I was hired, hugely complicated and entirely unnecessary drama but feelings were hurt, and it's only a matter of time til I get dragged into said office drama... and office drama is my kryptonite...
I can super tell when I'm getting dangerously stressed out because sometimes I'll get obsessed with things like watching cave diving videos or stories about shipwrecks (I'm scared of caves AND diving AND deep water AND drowning etc)... anyway, have you heard of the Mary Celeste...?
i feel this in my BONES. one positive thing about being too sick to leave my house is not having to deal with this kind of stress every day!
😭 I'll be ok, just so tired and it's harder to redirect my "helpful" pattern-recognizing brain from ruminating when I'm socially-hungover.
Oh my god I stress so much about this all the time. 😔