Wren, a feral mannequin (is taking a break!)

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Wren, a feral mannequin (is taking a break!)


late DXed Autistic artist, lover of cats, birds, film, & Trek. She/They 🏳️‍🌈
Discord: feralmannequin
ALT for profile image: me in a pink wig smiling and holding a mixed drink at Pride.
Banner ALT: abstract digital painting of a pink haired woman in green
And a thread with the history of alt text and how to think about it:
One thing that can help is understanding the goal of alt text—it's not image description. I can't find @hannah.the-void.social's exact phrasing, but she says something like the purpose of alt text on social media being to enable people who need alt text to be full participants in the conversation.
Happy Disability Pride Month, I'm gently petting all the grass in my yard & reminding them that even if autism is currently defined by deficits in achieving normative outcomes/behaviors doesn't mean those norms are better or worth achieving by distrusting every thought they think or word they say.
I am ok, I'm just autistic and in autistic burn out. Social media is hard and I have a lot more grass I haven't touched yet. My new puppy is a lot. My job is weird. Talking is weird. Being understood is hard. Takes a long time to get words in the right order. I'm being serious about that.
For Disability Pride Month I’m once again begging for more artists to start considering accessibility and add alt text to your images. It helps low/no vision folks, neurodivergent folks, and more. Plus alt text shows up in searches! There’s a toggle in settings so you won’t forget. 👇
I am ok, I'm just autistic and in autistic burn out. Social media is hard and I have a lot more grass I haven't touched yet. My new puppy is a lot. My job is weird. Talking is weird. Being understood is hard. Takes a long time to get words in the right order. I'm being serious about that.
I'm not like other girls, I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty...
“social construct” doesn’t mean “fake”. it means our understanding of reality is shaped by the way our culture makes sense of the world. reality shapes us, we shape reality.
ITS ACTUALLY TRUTH TUESDAY! Don't listen to the imposters! Today we're sharing TRUTHS!! Let those truths run wild!!!
The state is investing in prisons, & overpolicing its Black population, not infrastructure. This is in evidence if we examine Baltimore & Maryland.
Fund Friday. Fund Day Friday. Drop your funds and links if you need a boost: - Mutual Aid - Abortion - Transition - Medical Bills - Whatever you need Please make sure you’re adding alt text and making your skeets as accessible as possible.
Well, this totally made my day. Thank you Neil, and best wishes to everyone who reads "NeuroTribes" seeking to understand certain family members, friends, and co-workers better.
I have a beloved copy here, that I bought originally in order to better understand certain family members.
Ok let me explain publicly. On the west coast you have bedrock broken up by a series of strike-slip faults, where plates are sliding along each other. A 4.8 there is a series of little jolts that doesn't travel far. The east coast is VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT. Bedrock is one big sheet for one.
Earthquakes like this occur in California -- and all around the world -- all the time, but given that this happened in the center of the media universe, expect much team-coverage freakout for 24 hours.
Thecla and the mountain lion are still available. I will probably post some more originals tonight
These pieces are for sale $75 crab $150 or best offer for Thecla, Severian and the mountain lion (from the ancient undead skeleton wizard project in 2020)
There is no question in my mind that my physical and emotional health is worse off for having had stimming ripped away from me as a kid. How are you ever supposed to be comfortable in a world where expressing joy is too weird looking and must be suppressed?
Today in 1977, disability activists in multiple cities began the 504 Sit-In, which would become the longest peaceful occupation of a federal building in US history. I had the great honor of interviewing the late Judith Heumann about it four years ago. thehill.com/518289-women...
Judith Heumannthehill.com Judith Heumann has been active in the fight for disability rights most of her life. One of her earliest such experiences was in fourth grade, when she and her mother challenged a local public schoo…
A slender reveal party where the itinerary is split between 10 pages that we need to find before we die (and then we die anyway).
a bender reveal party where we learn that one of our friends was the Avatar this whole time.
o shit its Bandcamp Friday !!! i put out this cool single last month, and i got a couple more singles plus an album up in there too it would mean a lot if you checked it out <3 <3
Hold Your Breath, by Krystal Swordskrystalswords.bandcamp.com track by Krystal Swords
Also my Spring Moving sale is good through the weekend. Tell a friend who’s website is stuck stuck. They’re in luck luck 👇🏽 nineke.net/product/webs...
a Bender reveal party but it's just a regular reveal party with blackjack and hookers
a bender reveal party where we learn that one of our friends was the Avatar this whole time.
A fender reveal party where a new limited edition Stratocaster is unveiled
a bender reveal party where we learn that one of our friends was the Avatar this whole time.
seconded! like this is what i tell everyone. i am awake now. i’m really alive and enjoying life! even the hard times are easier cus i know that i’m doing the best i can for myself so go make that appointment babes! you can do it 🫴✨
if you think youre probably trans but youre hesitant about actually going on E i would just like to tell you that you cant even halfway estimate the degree to which it is just the Fix Brain Juice. i know youre mostly considering the physical changes but the mental benefits are 100x more significant
a bender reveal party where we learn that one of our friends was the Avatar this whole time.
a mender reveal party where I ask if anyone can patch these pants for me, please
I had to be in the office around people on Wednesday & I still haven't recovered. My brain is still going "hey, wanna go over everything you did and said with a fine tooth comb to see if there's anything that might make someone hate you but not tell you so you can't clear it up before it blows up?"
🚨BOOSTING TF OUT OF EPPS MA🚨 Venmo:MSN99 Cashapp:$MSN99 💕💸
Thank you so much Alx. Playing catch up is growing tiresome so anything towards bills will help 💕💸💕💸💕💸
I just think the people who handle our public representatives' inboxes would appreciate a little variety in what they read every day. Might as well give them something to talk about at the water cooler. Like what Castiel's dick looks like. Do angels have dicks? Let your senator know!
I don't know who needs to hear this, but nothing is stopping you from sending your fanfic to the government whenever you want.