
Happy Disability Pride Month, I'm gently petting all the grass in my yard & reminding them that even if autism is currently defined by deficits in achieving normative outcomes/behaviors doesn't mean those norms are better or worth achieving by distrusting every thought they think or word they say.
I am ok, I'm just autistic and in autistic burn out. Social media is hard and I have a lot more grass I haven't touched yet. My new puppy is a lot. My job is weird. Talking is weird. Being understood is hard. Takes a long time to get words in the right order. I'm being serious about that.
Not that my yard is autistic, but that grass is never going to be able to perform smalltalk and that's ok. 👍 Anyway I hope everyone is doing good and learning and growing and healing and getting what they need to thrive!
Grateful for the update, Wren😊 Your presence on Bluesky has been notably missed. Many of your words resonate w me and my needs for rest and recovery. One never knows when one will feel like participating in an optional activity like getting online and writing b/c how many 🥄🥄 left? Kind regards x, cm