
Professor Seth Cotlar 🧵dragging Clarence Thomas over hot coals 🔥🔥for citing Thomas Paine in support of his concurring opinion is brilliant. Folks, in the future, you’re gonna see Seth’s work in legal briefs & opinions decimating this “Federalist Society” bagman.
Just read Thomas's concurrence in the Trump case and OMG, the mendacity! Thomas says yes, the President is immune, but also the appointment of special council Smith was an abuse of Presidential power that threatens the foundations of American liberty. He cites Thomas Paine to back this up. Wut?....
He has a lot of nerve citing Paine in this bullshit.
Chris Hayes needs to get Professor Cotlar on his show. He’s got a great sense of humor, & would expose Clarence Thomas for the bullshit artist he is. Originalism my ass.
I’m convinced that the media & Democrats need to use historians to send a clear message to voters, these people are lying. Republicans are lying. Kruse, Cotlar, Cox-Richardson, Glickman, Freeman, Zimmer etc. Use their humor & knowledge of history to humiliate MAGA. Dems should hire them, pay them. 😎
Yes, they do. We are outside of legal "rules" and into needing authoritarian experts. They would do it too
Can’t dig too deep, sorry historians, don’t hate me. Simple, concise, & rapid response to lies. Historians are best equipped to pull this off. Every Dem. campaign team should have a historian on board. Federal, State and local campaigns. Hit them with the truth and facts.
Totally agree, they need to go after it in a big way.
You can't humiliated people who simply won't be humiliated. Shamelessness is a superpower.
I’m going to respectfully disagree. Spent decades in courtrooms & if there’s one thing that gets under the skin of a judge, it’s when they are mocked, humiliated & called out. Narcissistic Judges go nuts & can’t handle criticism. It eats at them.
But if getting under their skin is the goal, sure.
Election campaigns can have multiple goals & it’s not only going to get under their skin, it will get under the skin of the elected officials who are supporting these insane radical rulings, from the corrupt Roberts Court.
We'll just disagree on what impact that would have.
I’m basing it on the impact in had in #Georgia in 2020. I was a blue dot in a red district. Used history to shave GOP margins in several ruby red districts. Biden, Warnock and Ossoff won, when the pundits said they had no chance. I’m in FL now, where are you ?
It will piss them off maybe-Alito has already been pissy about being called on his shit-but it won't change the basics on the ground, unfortunately, or make them behave differently. The issues are structural and go way beyond individual jurists.
Many "red" Americans are not at the intellectual level of Kevin Kruse, distrust him and his as elitist wonks, and would throw this work into the dustbin just because of where it came from.
Published in June of 2020. Recall in #Georgia, President Biden won, Sen. Warnock won, Sen. Ossoff won. Very close elections and runoffs. If you look at the results Democrats shaved big margins in red districts. I see Kevin Kruse, Heather Cox-Richardson, etc. 🤔
Voter Suppression in U.S.
I don't disagree with that. But it takes more than fact finding & talking about historical comparisons to change a vote. Most people vote by id, not intellect. Target feelings & then go at facts. It needs to be multipronged & focused on changing beliefs if it is to be more than a pissing contest
While this might help some, we aren't waging a war of facts. We are waging a war of vision. And that requires charisma, a firm grasp of where the populace is and how to appeal to that. Donald Trump, frankly, has these qualities in spades, or did before he went completely off the rails.