
The BBC has reasonable trust from the UK public, and no paywall. It's able to, in some circumstances, convey truth about scandals in a way that seems impossible today in the US. This is far from the only difference, but it's one.
Getting this out mostly because I've had this conversation what feels like a dozen times in the past few weeks, and hopefully I can now just send the link.
Yeah, speaking of arbiters of truth and determining who to trust:
anyway, bluesky is absolutely not ready and not prepared for the flood of authoritarian-funded trolls that are already beginning to flood it, so, you know, block early, block often.
Whether or not you think the BBC is involved in these opinion shifts, check out these two plots. Top: UK Conservative support. Bottom: Trump support. And as recently as GWB, the US saw shifts as big as the Tory shift.
Sock pocket accounts are here in droves. They follow some anti Trump influencers here, harassing them. Like they have a list. But a quick way to see these is to type “P-utin” (remove dash) in search and then go to latest. There’s a whole bs army in German. Other terms work too.
That is to say there are tons of sock puppet networks here on Bluesky though they have different opaque sources and varied opaque aims.