
I'm not saying "fuck the police," but when people do say that, this is the kind of shit they're prompted by. One of these military combat vehicles costs, on average, about $750K, or 3x the annual budget of the Prosper Community Library, which BTW can afford to be open only 4 & 1/2 days a week.
Police in Prosper, TX, celebrating their new MRAP which will protect officers from deadly IUDs.
The cops in my (lefty) part of Cleveland had something like this in the Aughts, gifted to them by the Pentagon. They only used it for donut runs every now & then. The locals yelled at them every time they drove it. It cost so much to maintain the cops eventually offloaded it. Probably to Texas.
I remember sitting by Arabica one night when 10 different CH police cars, plus a supervisor, showed up for one alleged drunk driver on Euclid Heights who had already been pulled over by an RTA cop coming up from Cleveland. Man did we just yell at them for the overkill. It was brutal.
This is why I love Cleveburg, in my town it would have been thumbs up all around.
Its kind of telling that the fist Mad Max has them trying to entice Max into the job with a pretty new toy, even though the job dehumanizes his view on the world.
I’m saying fuck the police.
I'll help you out, "Fuck The Police". There is no place, outside of some Libertarians Somali tinged wet dream, where this vehicle is justified.
I say fuck the police and my IED’s would demolish that sardine can. #TiocfaidhÁrLá
Big macho men afraid of tiny little IUDs...
All my doc needs is some forceps. IUD's must mean something else, I gather. 😬