
Anyone have access to any articles or essays on tithing, specifically from an Anglican perspective? Trying to wrap my brain around the idea that to be giving properly, 10% of your income is required. In today’s world, that’s asking so much of people who don’t always have much to give. ⚓️
Do you like 18th century pamphlets?
I’m all for 18th century pamphlets!
English Whigs and Tories wrote about it A Lot in the 18th century. Although the issue at stake at that point was whether Dissenters should have to pay tithes to the Church of England.
I’d love to read these! Any particular ones you have in mind?
Tbh they've all blurred into one in my memory...
Just my own opinion: I dont think an automatic 10% tithe is a real rule for Christians. It seems from Acts & from Jesus' own teaching that giving is about how God is leading you, (which can sometimes cost literally everything.) And it shouldn't be for attention. I think thats it though. 🤷‍♂️
10% *of the produce of the land*. is the biblical standard. So if you're a paid labourer with no land, that's a tithe of zero. Making it into a regressive 10% of income is possibly peak American Christianity...
Most income taxes in modern nations are much higher.