Marshall M.Div

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Marshall M.Div

Mental Health Advocate // B.A., M. Div // Randolph-Macon College, ‘19 // Union Presbyterian Seminary ‘22 // Inclusively Orthodox Episcopalian // He/Him
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once more: the majority of white USians voted for trump in 2020 - after 4 years of all that a trump presidency involved. now, if that's not you, wonderful. but seriously ask yourself why it's easier to roll up in BIPOC mentions than to have tough conversations with other white people.
We need to talk about the white people who voted for Donald As the media picks apart the voting trends of people of color, it must not ignore the big constant.
Hey anyone know what to do when you already know the incoming new rector of your parish from social media? They aren’t even moving for a little bit so I have time to prepare but I want to make a good IRL impression and also not make it weird. 😅⚓️
“There is one origin we all share, and that is being from the heart of God” Needed today’s lessons and sermon! ⚓️
Schism by Tool is an old favorite of mine but as a recently separated man listening to it for the first time in awhile…woo boy do those lyrics hit harder than ever.
I hope everyone for whom fireworks are trauma triggers has a safe place and a safe person tonight. I know many people in that boat and honestly I’m thinking of them all tonight 💜
Doing a little online certificate in UX design to see if it’s something I’d want to do while I wait for priesthood stuff to happen and they just actively defined empathy as if you don’t know what the word means…this doesn’t feel like a word you should have to teach to anyone above like 4th grade.
Just saw an insta post saying “I respect Jesus too much to believe he’s God” and l…I just can’t. I don’t know what to do about this kind of rhetoric among progressive Christians…
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Could use some help from priest friends here: I recently learned how much time commitment it is to restart the ordination process in NC. I’ve yet to have what I would call an “adult job” since getting my bachelors and masters, both in religious fields. Anyone have ideas for a job in the interim? ⚓️
Who brings an entire travel baseball team to a restaurant with no reservations?? Like thanks for calling and telling me there was 7 of you because so far there’s 16 people at one table and more are coming…
Though im working all day today, I’ll be following along with #GC81 passionately!
A great thread on one of my fav topics in Early Christian studies!
I would not wish marital separation/divorce on anyone. Holy shit this is hard stuff. You keep hoping “maybe they’ll come around” or “maybe I can fix us” and the hardest part about that is finally realizing they won’t come around and you can’t fix it and how hard of an emotional toll that takes.
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Liturgical Question I’ve been pondering for a hot minute: My parish does not do confession before Eucharist except when we used Penitential Order in Lent. It’s the only criticism I have but I wonder if it’s worth bringing up? It’s deeply important to me but I don’t want to be a bother. ⚓️
Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give thine angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for thy love’s sake. Amen. ⚓️
Barth on the Gospel of God: "It [Gospel] demands participation, comprehension, cooperation; for it is a communication which presumes faith in the living God, and which creates that which it presumes.” - Karl Barth, Epistle to the Romans, 28 ⚓️
A little light birthday reading: Bonhoeffer’s “Creation and Fall: A Theological Interpretation of Genesis 1-3” and “Temptation”. Just over 100 pages. Glad I found it on the free table when I worked at a theological library years ago! ⚓️
Hi I wrote poetry comparing memories to Jacob wrestling with God. Anyone know where I could publish this wild, post-therapy, stream of consciousness? ⚓️
Anyone have access to any articles or essays on tithing, specifically from an Anglican perspective? Trying to wrap my brain around the idea that to be giving properly, 10% of your income is required. In today’s world, that’s asking so much of people who don’t always have much to give. ⚓️
“Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being? I will, with God’s help.” My favorite part of the Baptismal liturgy that I got to hear today as two infants were baptized into the household of God and were marked as Christ’s own forever. ⚓️
I unironically said “same Bat-time, same Bat-channel” at work tonight…how old does this make me?
Decided to start reading passages from E.B. Pusey’s “Doctrine of the Real Presence” (don’t ask why, as I truly do not know) and I know this was written in the midst of controversy, which I def don’t want to stir up, but honestly this really solidifies my ideas about Eucharistic theology. ⚓️
Therapy is the highlight of my week and I can’t tell what that says about me but it can’t be the best thing in the world for a young adult who should definitely live a more exciting life…
So Duke’s commencement speaker was…Jerry Seinfeld? Whose idea was that?
Going through the latest ATR for fun and just read the line “…tracing Luther’s carnal sacramentality as well as his scatalogcial repudiation of capitalism.” This article is indeed entitled “Holy Shit: Lutheran Carnality and Thinking like a Tree” and I’m so confused but interested. ⚓️
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Inferno is about 70% diss tracks from Dante that only people with unhealthy levels of familiarity with beefs from 14th century Florence understand.
Blessed feast day of my favorite mystic, St. Julian of Norwich! Here’s a poem about her cat from Gail White that’s always stuck with me for some reason. ⚓️
#lordle127 Guess the Bible verse “Many of the priests, the Levites, and the leaders—older people who had seen with their own eyes the former temple while it was still established—were weeping loudly…” My results: ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆ (1700 points) 🔥 streak: 2
Lordle: the daily Bible verse How well do you know your way around the Bible? Play Lordle and find out!