🕯conrad elliot 🏳️‍⚧️

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🕯conrad elliot 🏳️‍⚧️


queer trans guy, orthodox episcopalian, activist, minnesotan.

trans liberation now!
BREAKING: my mostly-offline septuagenarian parents have learned of the couch
just saw a very serious looking man in an all black outfit except his jumper had a goose on it and it said "silly goose" and i think that's so beautiful
JD Vance’s war on women is going great!!!
This is besides the point but I love how I have a better beard than Ted Cruz
This is what they’ve got?
I continue to be amazed and grateful for this series and its cast and crew. #AbbottElementary #Books #KidLit #MgLit #YaLit
More of this, please.
I think the MN DFL has done a lot of truly amazing things the last few years. But I also worked for the DFL in the midterms in rural MN and Governor Walz never once came to get out the vote in western rural MN. I was the only one in my campaign not to meet him. It truly rubbed me the wrong way.
Kamala should pick Tim Walz just for the curiosity of having the biggest possible apparent age gap of any Presidential ticket composed of two people who are the exact same age.
Listen, I have my problems with Kamala Harris, but her being a step-parent and not a "real parent" is not one of them. My life has been so deeply blessed by my step-dad Brandt. Step parents are just as much parents as anyone else, and especially good ones. Leave step parents alone!
VP harris’s stepdaughter ella emhoff just posted this on IG:
Honestly we could have a governor who is worse but this is the man who had us under a national guard occupation, and a lot of us in Minneapolis won't forgive him for this lol He's done some great things, but if you see people specifically from Minneapolis talking shit, we have our reasons lmao
Yo JFC Tim lmaoooo
So deeply thankful for my friend @benmiller1992.bsky.social and the fact we can nerd out about DBZ for an hour then go into reading Dei Verbum from Vatican 2. Thankful that we pray evening prayer together like once a week. Its just great to have a friend like him! ⚓️
Guess the Bible verse! ⚓️ “In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, in fulfillment of the Lord’s message spoken through Jeremiah, the Lord motivated King Cyrus of Persia to issue a proclamation throughout his kingdom and also to put it in writing. It read:” My results: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆ (1500 points)
Lordle: the daily Bible verse gamewww.lordle.com How well do you know your way around the Bible? Play Lordle and find out!
Don’t forget gaza Don’t forget gaza Don’t forget gaza
Sonya Massey was murdered by police in her own home in Illinois for seeking protection. They shot and killed her for complying to their request to remove boiling water from stove. Her last words were "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus."
💞💸 I have to post for myself this time. Only at $75/$1160 for August rent. Rates going up next month! Please help. "If everyone does a little, no one has to do it all." -unknown About me: linktr.ee/khernandez
I'm still raising money to help catch up on rent! I'm at $250/1100 goal! Even just a couple bucks goes a long way! venmo: comradeconrad116 paypal: paypal.me/cerl116 Thanks for your help, shares and/or prayers!
Ever since my car was stolen last year Ive been behind on bills. Even with a better job, insurance is so expensive my take home income is less. I'm trying to raise $1100 for rent, my landlord's losing patience with our verbal payment arrangement. venmo: comradeconrad116 www.paypal.me/cerl116
Pay conrad larson using PayPal.Mewww.paypal.me Go to paypal.me/cerl116 and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Pay conrad larson using PayPal.Mepaypal.me Go to paypal.me/cerl116 and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
Just wanted to let you know that all 3 biopsies were negative! Thanks be to God, and thanks for your prayers.
I'm at $250/1100! Please help me get caught up on rent! v: comradeconrad116 p: paypal.me/cerl116
I'm at $100/1100 for my goal to catch up on rent. Please help! venmo: comradeconrad116 paypal: paypal.me/cerl116
Blessed Feast of Mary Magdalene!‬ ‪A faithful woman left a tomb‬ ‪by Love’s divine commission.‬ ‪She saw; she heard; she preached the Word,‬ ‪arising from submission.‬ ‪A faithful woman left a tomb,‬ ‪with Resurrection Gospel.‬ ‪She saw; she heard; she preached the Word,‬ ‪apostle to apostles.‬
“For thy power depends not upon numbers, nor thy might upon men of strength; for thou art God of the lowly, helper of the oppressed, upholder of the weak, protector of the forlorn, savior of those without hope." Judith 9:11 Blessed Feast of St Mary Magdalene! 🕯
I called my mom earlier today and she said she and my stepdad watched Hillbilly Elegy yesterday and only halfway through realized it was based on JD Vance's life lol
A lot of people on the left who have very valid objections to Harris are about to hold their nose and go all in on trying to save us from the alternative and it would be cool if the people who claim to be the reasoned moderates would act halfway as excited about her
Oh so when HE has a chosen name everyone just goes with it
update, per The Wall Street Journal
Every Black woman - every Black person - knows what’s coming. If you, non-Black person, plan on seeing this through, listen to me: the seething, raw & disgusting hatred on its way needs to be *drowned out.* Not rationalized, not pontificated, not reacted to, not entertained. Hear me now.
The rightwing outrage machine will settle on a new master narrative against Kamala within two weeks, that mainstream media will subsequently legitimize. Wish it wasn't so, but build up resistence now for what your billionaire owned info sphere will look like. Don't get sucked into it
“Speaking at a campaign event for Sen. Tammy Baldwin, Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts says: “We are here at a moment when our president of the United States has shown us what true patriotism is.” She said to raucous applause: “If Joe Biden can step aside, then the rest of us can step up”
Update from Catie Edmondsonwww.nytimes.com
Expand the Supreme Court on your way out, bro. Just do it. Die historic on the Fury Road
Wow I can't believe how old the GOP's presidential candidate is.
BRB calling my elected officials right now and asking them to immediately support Kamala Harris