William Clare Roberts 🇵🇸

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William Clare Roberts 🇵🇸


political theorist @ McGill
Vibes are indescribably bad. I'm getting off social media until morale improves.
Nina Power, the senior editor at the Sohrab Ahmari magazine, Compact, sued someone for calling her a fascist, lost, had to pay legal fees, declared bankruptcy, & -- with the trial evidence public -- is proven to be an occult fascist.
A Democrat: someone who is too committed to the institutions to take their own side in a knife fight.
A lot of kowtowing to spontaneity going on, I see.
"The American people will have to decide" Are You Fucking Kidding Me Joe
Biden should resign, but he should do a couple other things first.
The deliberate famine in Gaza is only getting worse. The architect of the famine, Yoav Gallant, is currently having meetings at the US State Department about continued American support for Israel.
In Israeli-starved Gaza, hunger is 'worse than bombings'www.middleeasteye.net Food is scarce, spoilt and often non-existent in besieged enclave, leaving people dizzy and weak
An estimated 21,000 children are missing in Gaza. This is separate from the 14,000 children who have been documented as killed (murdered). The depravity speaks for itself. www.savethechildren.org.uk/news/media-c...
The new Capital translation is going to have an audiobook, read by Simon Vance (who did both Dune and the collected Sherlock Holmes stories).
Capitalpress.princeton.edu This audiobook narrated by Simon Vance presents a major new translation of the explosive book that transformed our world
I don't hang out in cafés much these days, but I am today and I am weirded out by the fact that the music is *all* from the era when I discovered hanging out in cafés in the first place (1993-1997).
Michael Walzer finally being recognized in the right company.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (from Tablet Mag, h/t @davidklion.bsky.social on the other site)
An important observation from Beisan on the other site: US/Israel using an aid convoy as cover to attack a refugee camp reveals that they knew Hamas would leave humanitarian aid alone. "The US & Israel’s entire strategy hinged on Hamas being more moral on the battlefield than they are."
The Canadian Political Science Association has denounced McGill for siccing the police on student protesters.
The Canadian Political Science Association has denounced McGill for siccing the police on student protesters.
Open letter from 165+ members of the McGill community to President Deep Saini, rebutting his claims about McGill's "neutrality" on "geopolitical" issues. It is past time for McGill to divest and to break ties with apartheid universities. (In French; link to English at the bottom)
Des demandes qui s’inscrivent dans la tradition de McGillwww.lapresse.ca L’Université McGill a un historique de désinvestissement basé sur des raisons géopolitiques. Monsieur le Recteur, nous constatons votre désinformation et votre hypocrisie.
This evening, student protesters at McGill occupied the admin building for 2 hours. Riot cops attacked the protesters outside with tear gas and batons, and arrested the occupiers (they were charged & released).
Updated: Police spray tear gas, break up pro-Palestinian occupation of McGill buildingmontrealgazette.com Montreal riot squad officers enter building about 7 p.m., ending two-hour occupation; no word on number of arrests
The World’s Most Moral Army completely fills the morgues of Deir el-Balah
At Columbia, if you publish a law review article about Palestine, they will take down the entire law review website. If you protest for Palestine, they will shut down the entire campus and direct police to hospitalize you. Why would I ever encourage anyone to study or work here?
Columbia Law Review took the whole site down instead of making this law review article available. PDF version available here: drive.google.com/file/d/1vC1-...
The board of directors of Columbia Law Review took its entire website offline because seven student editors refused to take down a paper on the Nakba that has been in preparation for five months. theintercept.com/2024/06/03/c...
I went on Andrew Kliman and Gabriel Donnelly's podcast, and had a great time, thereby proving that Althusserians and Marxist humanists can actually get along just fine!
Episode 117: The Politics of Marx’s Capital—Interview with William Clare Roberts – Marxist-Humanist Initiativemarxisthumanistinitiative.org
A fun aspect of writing about Marx is that generations of academics have been introduced to his ideas by authors like Plamenatz, who simply could not be bothered to know what Marx wrote. (Marx *never* called ideology "false consciousness" or any other form of consciousness.)
To many of us it was obvious that embracing Netanyahu's fascist war of extermination would bring the Biden Dems into alignment with the Trump GOP. Now Biden wants to work with the GOP to sanction the ICC and is threatening to defund the UN.
The country screaming that they are being persecuted by international institutions like the UN, the ICC, and the ICJ just shut down the media coverage that would support their claims... unless it might not?
They contracted with a camera provider called Panopto...
UNC Chapel Hill bureaucrats secretly record professors' classes, without notice or consent, "using the existing Panopto camera in the classroom" to investigate "reports concerning class content and conduct"
Letter says UNC Chapel Hill secretly records professorswww.insidehighered.com A business school professor was startled to learn that the university had recorded his classes as part of a ‘review’ he didn’t know about. The university says it has no formal policy on filming classe...
I woke up in Belgium, and am going to bed in a cottage in the Eastern Townships. Since I woke up, I have taken a 20-minute train trip, a 7-hour flight, a 1.5 hour drive, and a 45 minute hike. The modern world is pretty wild.
Is this what he meant
Exclusive: A group of billionaires and business titans working to shape U.S. public opinion of the war in Gaza privately pressed New York City’s mayor last month to send police to disperse pro-Palestinian protests at Columbia University, according to communications obtained by The Washington Post.
Business titans privately urged NYC mayor to use police on Columbia protesters, chats showwww.washingtonpost.com A WhatsApp chat started by some wealthy Americans after the Oct. 7 Hamas attack reveals their focus on New York Mayor Eric Adams and their work with Israeli officials to shape U.S. opinion of the Gaza...
"Why are you here today?" "Because we cannot have a genocidal foreign policy in a democracy. These young people are going to have to be the ones to pay the price for these horrible decisions." Solidarity, Dr. Tiffany Willoughby-Herard.