
366 Day Music Challenge #178 A Song That Makes You Want To Dance: ELO, “All Over the World” Not the official video, but I'm a SUCKER for these flash mob dance videos. And this song is PERFECT for it. I love ELO, always have. Used to rollerskate to them... ♥️
E.L.O (Electric Light Orchestra) All Over The Tribute to all Flash Mob's All music and images belong to their rightful owners. No copyright infringement intended.
Shit. I meant to be dressed and out the fucking door for my fucking walk half an hour ago. And here I sit. NOT fucking dressed. NOT fucking walking. Fucking around online. AGAIN. Goddamnit.
Alright, enough of this shit. Getting up. Getting dressed. Getting out the fucking door. If I get this done, it'll be done, I'll be glad it's done, and I'll have escaped the heat & humidity that inevitably accompanies the risen motherfucking sun. See y'all in an hour or so.
5.75 miles. 2 hours, 15 minutes. Had to take a two hour nap.
The "reward nap". Hope you enjoyed it.