Ronald Snelgrove

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Ronald Snelgrove

Living kidney donor (directed), long-time whole blood donor, MedPhys, pro-Oxford comma; owned by a senior cat
Why is BlueSky making me sign in every time I open the app?
Funny how wealthy Americans will readily accuse Biden of “buying votes” with student debt forgiveness but had no issue with Trump signing massive tax cuts for themselves.
Trans rights are human rights. Trans, non-binary and 2Spirit survivors of stalking matter to us. And should matter to you, too! We vehemently reject the notion that trans people are a threat to women and girls and we object, with our full chests, the latest round of transphobic rhetoric in Canada.
Musk says immigrants are responsible for high housing costs. Oligarchs like Elon always blame immigrants, minorities and Jews for the problems created by the capitalist system they control.
Ron DeSantis should be forced to carry his dead campaign to term.
The people who made a world that despises children are blaming their children for choosing not to bring children into a world that despises children.
I mean with hard-hitting journalism investigating mysteries of life why are they losing subscribers?
And "poof", just like that the Christmas music has come to an end and we won't speak of it for another eleven months or so.
Avatar Merry Christmas Maryscott! Your posts are a constant source of amusement and actually make me think at times ...
Coincidentally, this is also the way the human species will go extinct.
A cold-oven Thanksgiving turkey recipe from Helen Rosner. You start the bird in a cold oven and gradually raise the temperature in order to help ensure a crispy skin. []
When your senior cat can't jump up on the bed anymore, you lower the bed by removing the frame and putting the box spring on the floor. I know I'm going to hurt myself getting in or out of this thing in the middle of the night. Will she appreciate this sacrifice? Nooooo.
7y ago today: I donated this kidney to a friend. Feel like donating to a loved one or a stranger? See Living donation not your thing? Register @ and INFORM YOUR FAMILY.
You wouldn't hire a plumber who said your pipes should be dismantled. Stop electing people to Congress who say that about the government.
quote post this with a really foolish injury: While running a trail race I came upon a patch of mud that was too wide to jump over so I thought "I'll walk through it". First step in, I slipped, fell forward, and dislocated and fractured my left shoulder, requiring surgery (the "ORIF").
I broke my finger when a drawer fell on it as I was trying to catch a baby rat that had escaped its cage on top of my daughter’s dresser and fallen into her sock drawer. Yes, that daughter.
RS with a banger picture of your cat - Miss Lulu
RS with a banger picture of your cat - Sweet Saoirse
Shorter stockier dogs can still look very cute in a sweater! This is Martha ⤵️
Not an original observation, but important for folks to spot it nevertheless: There are a *lot* of people whose "support of Israel" does not involve giving a shit about Israelis or jews, but who use it as cover to self-rationalize their bloodlust or islamophobia or rapture fantasies from a distance
Republican members of Congress are now openly advocating the slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza. "Level the place," says Lindsey Graham. "No rules of engagement" says Rep. Max Miller, a former Trump aide.
"The long trend of piling costs on Canadians who are struggling to buy a home or find a place to rent, all while trying to ease the load shouldered by people who already own a home, has to stop. The costs of growth must be shared."
Globe editorial: A fairer way to share the costs of ending the housing For years, municipal development charges on new homes were used to help pay for the expenses of growth. That practice needs to be reformed
banning books as a method of enforcing moral puritanism feels so outdated. lady your kid is on tumblr reading about sex acts that would kill Aphrodite
Michael crichton was 6'9" when he wrote Jurassic park. Imagine the dinosaur adventure Robert Wadlow could have wrote.
Introduce yourself with some jobs you've done apart from what you do now: - short-order cook - bartender - grounds maintenance at a cemetery - ran undergraduate physics labs/tutorials - test engineer at a fiber optic component manufacturer (in Ottawa - guess which one Heather :-)
Introduce yourself with some jobs you've done apart from what you do now: - babysitter - community tennis court staff - cashier - clothing retail worker - teaching assistant - technical writer
I wish this man no ill will, but he's going to receive taxpayer-funded healthcare as treatment, the same healthcare that's he's actively been working to deny almost everyone else for decades
Reskeet with something you own that most people don’t. A picture of my own kidney
Reskeet with something you own that most people don’t.
End of feed.