
Feels like people don't understand what I need & the specific situation I'm running into right now. Labeling doesn't help if I can't mute/block that label, lists don't work if the account is so new that it hasn't gotten on any lists. I just want to mute/block accounts that are literally seconds old.
If I could mute people who only JUST made their account, yes, that would mitigate a lot of it, but I don't know of a way to do that right now.
Sure, I can mute any combination of these labels that currently exist, & that'd help. But one, it would be sweeping up innocent people--I know somre regular people who interact with me with no avatar or name or whatever. And two, sometimes the harasser makes a name/avatar.
Yeah, there are lists for No Display Name, No Avatar, Periodic, and Only Replies. But what would be more helpful is if I could mute people who've literally never replied to anybody at all, because the account is brand new & plans to make their absolute literal first post be an attack on me directly.
Replies to this thread are off now. I'm hitting a breaking point with six years straight of targeted harassment because I was vocal about a sex pest in my community, followed by people that I understand WANT to help but will NOT read what I am going through and what I need help with.
This labeler has a “New Account” flag which is likely based on account creation time and not a manual flag. Not perfect, but worth a try?