Mason B. Williams

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Mason B. Williams

Historian. Assoc. Professor at Williams College; books from W.W. Norton.
Dog. of. the. World.
My grandfather used to call self-dealing schmucks who were here to make things worse for the rest of us "dogs." (He loved actual dogs.) Once & again, he would pronounce someone "dog of the world." This guy is a dog of the world. Please get off his dumbass platform.
The start of Copa América is reminding me that I need to re-read Our Sister Republics.
Postdoctoral fellowship at Michigan -- and a chance to work with the great Matt Lassiter on his carceral state project.
Research Fellow - Carceral State Project | U-M
Looking forward to Ezra Klein's piece on whether the GOP should choose their nominee in an open convention
Worth noting that this graph uses a less-risible measure of "working class" than what typically passes for analysis in journalism and punditry....
Anyway, as far as the white working class specifically is concerned, here's a chart everyone who writes and thinks about American politics should commit to memory. Please note and compare the sizes of the jumps between 2008-2012 and between 2012-2016.
Anyway, as far as the white working class specifically is concerned, here's a chart everyone who writes and thinks about American politics should commit to memory. Please note and compare the sizes of the jumps between 2008-2012 and between 2012-2016.
This part of the SOTU came across in real time as a clever bit of rhetorical ju-jitsu, but in fact it's deeper than that. Biden used the phrase "history is watching" to structure the entire speech; here, he suggests that age can confer a sense of history's obligations, and hence wisdom and judgment.
Know Your Enemy's new episode with Kim Phillips-Fein is an excellent introduction to the historiography of American conservatism. I'm saving this one for my students.
Guess which story the New York Times has covered (way) more? 1) The consequential but under-the-radar actions taken under the Biden administration's FTC to make life better for millions ordinary consumers. 2) Updates on the status of the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
ICYMI, a new FTC rule is aimed at protecting car buyers. It's one of many quiet actions being taken by the FTC under Biden that seek to make life a little more fair for consumers.
The new CARS Rule: What you need to Whether you’re excited about buying the car of your dreams or just trying to make your budget stretch to get reliable transportation, the car buying process can be stressful. It can also be costlier...
Shoutout to the dumb mfers who called a bomb threat into our synagogue on a Sunday morning! & apologies to the New Hope United Methodist Church of North Adams, which lost their service as a result....
My grandfather used to call self-dealing schmucks who were here to make things worse for the rest of us "dogs." (He loved actual dogs.) Once & again, he would pronounce someone "dog of the world." This guy is a dog of the world. Please get off his dumbass platform.
Woke up this morning to the news that a student I think the world of received a Rhodes scholarship. Congrats, Cole!
End of feed.