Matilda Fitzmaurice

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Matilda Fitzmaurice

Geographer thinking about (non)reproduction and the Anthropocene. UCU NEC casualised rep. UCU Commons
Queerness, food, unions, ABBA.
My views. She/her

They'll keep happily slicing off the letters one by one like a salami if we allow them to start.
Sorry if I'm banging on about this but there is no reason why any bi person should trust the 'what about LGB people's rights' narrative. How many of us have been told our sexuality isn't real and we're just straight/gay people either lying or in denial? Sound familiar??
for anyone who's sad about the boy lions losing yesterday, at least Djokovic also lost
Why’s that, Francis? Did something happen?
Solidarity with anyone receiving nasty libellous abuse for calling out the Cass Report for its transphobia. The evidence is not on the side of those who would rather see trans people dead than happy and fulfilled.
very glad to see lots of UK academics and UCU members calling out the Cass Report for what it is. Also immensely grateful to UCU NEC for backing the motion criticising it so overwhelmingly.
I think this was my favourite banner from yesterday - the Tyne and Wear Metro branch of ASLEF. Pic by ♥️
the weather was awful but still had a lush time at the Big Meeting in Durham yesterday. I do love banners and colliery bands.
the weather was awful but still had a lush time at the Big Meeting in Durham yesterday. I do love banners and colliery bands.
latest job rejection just in, great
Highly recommend this Maintenance Phase two-parter. Part 2 spends most of the runtime explaining why the Cass Review is so shoddy. Pamela Paul of course doesn't if the work is shoddy since it provides a wedge she can lean on to reinforce the point she wanted to make regardless.
"Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria" Part 1: The Cooties Theory of Transgender Identity - Maintenance Thanks to Jules Gill-Peterson ( and Julia Serano ( for help researching this episode and Evan Urquhart and Parker Molloy for fact-checking!Support us:Hear bon...
Nope I will not provide feedback on an 'application experience' after finally finishing a job app that took days to complete.
all the anti-trans discourse that masquerades as concern for gay/lesbian/bi children is such a lie. If you're happy to tell a trans child that they aren't trans, you'd do the same to a gay/lesbian/bi child.
Excited for the government audit of the Tees Valley CA's procurement process for Teesworks 🍿
Given Wharton's resignation as chair of the OfS (get in!), I thought I'd have a look at their board. Rachel Houchen, the wife of Tory Tees Valley Ben Houchen, who uses public money to sue people who call him corrupt, is a member 🤢
Tees Valley authority spent £7,000 on libel lawyers over Teesworks corruption Public money totalling £7,000 was spent by Ben Houchen’s Tees Valley Combined Authority on legal advice from a top libel lawyer after allegations…
Avatar : "as long as she doesn't start commentating on the football, they'll be alright"
Regardless of my views on Rachel Reeves I am quite excited for the level of Gammon Brain Explosion over there being a woman running the Treasury
Regardless of my views on Rachel Reeves I am quite excited for the level of Gammon Brain Explosion over there being a woman running the Treasury
And a proper application takes so much energy. So it's like being fired from a job you didn't get paid for.
Give me reasons why I should bother writing this presentation I'm due to give this week please
Another job rejection. What's even the point.
Another job rejection. What's even the point.
Last night my boyfriend referred to former chief political correspondent Nick Robinson as 'what's-his-chops' and I'm still chuckling about it
My mum: has that brown-nose little shit gone? Me: which one?
Critical hope is hope I'm approaching today. It's important to be realistic but doomsaying never helped anyone. I even had a little gleeful dance and sing while doing the washing up. Who does it help not to snatch every moment of joy and relief we can?
It’s because casualisation is a problem they’d have to actually tackle in a profound way.
Finally read Will Davies's piece on the HE crisis. It's very good at explaining the crisis, but I was disappointed by no mention of casualisation. A big omission given it's the everyday condition for so many, and staff & student precarity have increased together.
Finally read Will Davies's piece on the HE crisis. It's very good at explaining the crisis, but I was disappointed by no mention of casualisation. A big omission given it's the everyday condition for so many, and staff & student precarity have increased together.
I have lived my entire adult life under a Tory government. 14 years of political chaos and ruination. Labour are despicable but boy oh boy will I enjoy the Tory reign coming to an end.
Screaming that Captain Tom Moore's daughter and her husband have been banned from being charity trustees. I want to see the secret register of who can't be trusted to run a charity. Is it like the lists bar staff get so they know who not to serve?
The THE (rag that passes for the HE trade press in UK) have published an awful piece about UCU NEC passing a motion criticising the Cass Report. Apparently some academics are worried this could "expose researchers to harassment". LOL