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historian 1200-1700 | obsessive-compulsive disorder | neurodivergent | dogs | karaoke | food | ucu commons | unequivocal supporter of trans rights | views mine
Reposted byAvatar Jo
I just got promoted to Professor! Professor of International Political Theory!!! *pinches self* Yup, I’m awake Considering my starting point, this is nuts. And without the timely intervention of four people (1998-), to whom I will be eternally grateful, this would have been impossible. x 🥳😅🖖🏻🙏🏻 ♥️
Reposted byAvatar Jo
📢EXCELLENT RESOURCE KLAXON📢 V. Hitchman & teams' #EarlyModern parish data inc. 🗃️ 1) Spreadsheet listing ALL parishes in England and Wales, with maps showing them 2) individual spreadsheets for all counties, showing survival/finding info for churchwarden accounts
Reposted byAvatar Jo
very glad to see lots of UK academics and UCU members calling out the Cass Report for what it is. Also immensely grateful to UCU NEC for backing the motion criticising it so overwhelmingly.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
I've emailed my Labour MP to ask him to oppose Wes Streeting's attempt to continue the Tories' ban on puberty blocking medication for trans young people. If you have a Labour MP, you should too.
Omg this
One tidbit I particularly liked was someone saying something to the effect of "yes absolutely" to a trans person asking if people think that trans people and allies should disengage from academia next and look, it is your prerogative, but that's dumb. That's just real dumb
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Nick Hillman coming out against a market in HE ushered into existence and repeatedly defended by Nick Hillman.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
The scariest thing about the puberty blockers ban court case is how it lays bare the premise of the Cass review and the government’s interpretation of it as seeing a child going on to be trans in adulthood as an undesirable outcome classified as a Risk
Reposted byAvatar Jo
There are much more important reasons to hate Wes Streeting, but I do resent that he's brought the younger David Cameron's "I've slightly over-inflated this shiny balloon man" look back to our screens
The other place is just as bad. Like when I was told I should stop taking meds that keep me well because other people have had a hard time on them.
I truly believe that one day we as a website will make it out of the darkness of weird arbitrary "complicity" moralism and into the sunny daylight in between "the thing you do is connected to something/someone bad" and "the thing you do itself is a bad thing"
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Looked through who Karin Smyth MP follows on Twitter and its (1) other MPs and (2) single-issue anti-trans accounts. Fuck Labour
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Oh, I see there's another post of an American declaring "EUROPEANS DON'T HAVE THESE THINGS" and it's a list of extremely commonplace things that, and I can't emphasise this enough, Europeans also have.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Not here for ‘it’s too late to save UK unis’ posting from profs. I don’t have the choice of indulging doom - need to crack on.
Runs past our flat of 14 years too 😁 Every time I hear a football commentator indicate Jude getting the ball by saying "Bellingham", my brain immediately appends "Catford Bus Garage" 🤪
Not here for ‘it’s too late to save UK unis’ posting from profs. I don’t have the choice of indulging doom - need to crack on.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
counting down the days until my uni renames their "project 2026" initiative on the grounds of bad vibes
Ten things I’m into - staffordshire bull terriers - free hotel biscuits - north pembrokeshire - tom hardy - spreadsheets - caffeine - employment stability - lists of information eg domesday - album lore and recording techniques - feasting on the ground up bones of my enemies
Get to know your mutuals! Ten things I am into: The new wave of space opera Competitive craft shows Dark high ABV beers TTRPGs Libraries Niche and local museums Friendly Cats Out and About Heraldry Clavichord Radio comedy
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Anyway, the Yale report, along with the numerous other critiques of the Cass report, illustrate how it *had to be* deeply flawed in order to align with the state’s anti-trans dogma. This wasn’t a mistake: it made a mockery of science in order to harm trans kids
Report Addresses Key Issues in Legal Battles over Gender-Affirming Health A new report from The Integrity Project provides an evidence-based critique of a recent independent review that has become central to U.S. litigation regarding health care for transgender youth.
Everybody knows Cass got a peerage because her report fit exactly what the government wanted; had her report aligned with the medical consensus and indicated any respect for trans children it’s 100% certain she wouldn’t have received it. Quid pro quo.
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Don't replace him. Abolish the office, which has been primarily a policing and political influence operation since it was founded. Position government as a genuine partner of universities. Stop the vandalism. Democratise universities.
OfS chair Lord Wharton suddenly The political independence of the HE regulator has been criticised under Wharton's tenure
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Now Farage has spoken as an MP for the first time, can we please have something approximating scrutiny of him from at least the lobby? Time to stop acting like he’s a lovable eccentric and start treating him as someone on the public payroll, who has to adhere to standards he does not share. Thanks.
Plus an unexpectedly gutsy decision to have the rich awful land exploiters kinda coded as a Plaid MP + family. Crachach (look it up) not Anglo-colonisers
Reposted byAvatar Jo
Possibly my biggest takeaway from Leeds IMC this year is how much Bernhard Bischoff resembled Kenneth Williams.
‘Nobody knows what to do about it’ I’ve got some ideas
“The environmental impacts (of AI) have so far received less attention. A single query to an AI-powered chatbot can use up to ten times as much energy as an old-fashioned Google search.”
Power-hungry AI is driving a surge in tech giant carbon emissions. Nobody knows what to do about Google, Microsoft and Meta have all reported significant emissions increases due to AI.