Alex Prichard

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Alex Prichard

Teaches and writes about anarchy, anarchism, and world politics at the Universty of Exeter. ISRF Fellow, 2023-2024. Hopeful Liverpool fan. UCU commons. Author of Anarchism. A Very Short Introduction (new ed)
Banner pic: Hope Cove
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Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
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The News from France, for those of us living here, is more than a relief. The party founded by retired waffen-SS members, the Front National (or RN - i refuse to use there idiot new name) came in third - the Left came in first! First!!!! So - Love is All you need:
All You Need Is Love - The Beatles (1967) This is a song released in July 1967 as The Beatles' 15th single.The song was created for the TV program 'Our World,' which was simultaneously broadcast worl...
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Proudhon, "The Confessions of a Revolutionary" (full draft translation):
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A couple of general-access posts on Patreon this week, with translations by Proudhon (defining art and the ideal) and Pierre Leroux (from "Equality.") Subscribers will get early access to my wrestlings with Proudhon's theories of marriage and justice.
Proudhon on the ideal | Shawn P. Get more from Shawn P. Wilbur on Patreon
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It only goes to show that if anything is foul enough it should be possible to come together to oppose it. Americans please take note.
No FT, "most seats" would be a majority of seats. That might happen, but it isn't what's expected
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Would you like some fromage with that whine
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It may be torrential outside, but I’m glowing inside…
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Rwanda scheme abolished on first day.
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Nice to see the BBC using the term 'climate crisis', something a lot of us have been advocating for a while.
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There’s a ceiling on the amount of ‘short money’ that opposition parties receive according to the number of votes they received if they have less than six seats.
FYI, of the education secretaries since 2010 all bar three are now gone: Michael Gove, Nicky Morgan, Justine Greening, Damian Hinds, Nadhim Zahawi, Michelle Donnelan, and Gillian Keegan (thanks, Chichester), all gone. Gavin Williamson, Kit Malthouse and James Cleverly survived the night…
Complete draft ✔️ 🥳 Last tasks before we send to our fabulous volunteer readers: • ensure we’ve threaded the conceptual arguments through the more empirical chapters • fix some references and footnotes • harmonise authorial voice… Almost there! 😁
Shit’s getting real! Manuscript workshop booked in for September and delighted to have six super-readers signed up to read a chapter each before we send it to the publishers! 🤞🏻 Title: Constitutionalising Anarchy Authors: Ruth Kinna and Alex Prichard Chapter titles and readers threaded below 1/3
Hahahahahahahha!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🥳🥳🥳🥳😂😂😂😂😬
UK, national parliament election: in South West Norfolk, the constituency of former Prime Minister Liz Truss (CON~ECR), the swing from CON~ECR to LAB-S&D was the largest ever recorded in a national parliament election. Special election result page: #GE2024
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The UK is now one of the most left-wing countries in Europe. Did anyone see that coming?
Result of the night? The swing from the Tories to the far left in North Hereford is incredible. Clearly letting agri business turn the river Wye into a sewer doesn’t go down well with locals. But still, you have to be pretty determined to swing that far left.
1) Labour got fewer votes under Starmer than under Corbyn, but secured a landslide 2)Great to see the Greens quadruple their seats, and take two from the Tories! 3)All regional nationalist parties did as well or better than Reform (except SDLP) and all left leaning. 4) fuck off Mogg! 🥳
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Come listen to the likes of Jon Bigger Rhiannon Firth, Sophie Scott-Brown, Loukas Christodolou and Benjamin Franks talk about the polls from a very different perspective. On from now 'til late!
Freedom's Anarchist Election Night Reaction and analysis from the very people you'd least expect (or you might, if you know anarchists - a lot of us are iredeemable politics wonks).
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The car horns are starting up again in the neighborhood
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What a glorious day! Fuck the Tories!
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My proxy is voting Green for me in Bristol South, I hope, with the good expectation of a second-place finish that will have the Labour MP (the awful apparatchik Karen Smyth) looking over her left shoulder
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I have lived my entire adult life under a Tory government. 14 years of political chaos and ruination. Labour are despicable but boy oh boy will I enjoy the Tory reign coming to an end.
Halcyon at Bristol Fringe last night. Catchy, fun, technically awesome modern jazz, by local millennials. My piano teacher, Sam, on keys. The drummer was outstanding! Saxophonist too. And this was their last ever gig. Out on a high! 👏🏻🙌🏻