
It wasn't a "bad debate;" it was a public display of cognitive decline so severe that he's incapable of overcoming it even when everything is on the line.
Anyone whose had the (mis)fortune of watching an elderly loved one begin to lose cognitive function knows where this is going: nowhere better.
i hate to agree with you but I agree with you
Man....I hate to agree with me, too. This sucks.
Mat, losing a step doesn’t mean you can’t function. There is decline, a bad night, and decline—and a vice president and an administration who genuinely care about democracy and every day Americans. Slower and moral is a fine choice given the alternative. I’m rooting hard for the turtle in this race.
I agree with all that, totally. But I don't think he has it in him to come from behind and win independents. There's no safe or guaranteed path, but personally I think Harris slightly improves the chances of defeating the neo-fascists.
I love Harris. (Pete as VP.) I’m pushing/voting Biden with the expectation she’ll take over in a year or so. I believe America is ready for and needs a black woman president, but I don’t trust America to vote for what it needs.
It's just cruel, demoralizing, and defeating for everyone on both sides of the equation. There's no winning. Bahhhh