
When Chief Justice Roberts was nominated, many "wise people" in DC said that Democrats should be re-assured, because John Roberts was "an institutionalist before he was a partisan." If that ever was true (and I doubt it was), it is not true today. Today's Trump decision is pure partisanship.
Neal Katyal said similar things about Gorsuch too. Since Bush v. Gore, I have always gone with the assumption that if it hurts Republicans, they won’t rule for it. If it helps, then maybe. Now for a plethora of expert opinions on how this isn’t “as bad as Democrats are making it to be.”
I’ve been friends with Neal since college. I believe that he authentically believed it. I always thought he was wrong.
I think it is very easy for people to believe that folks who have always been courteous, friendly, and respectful to them and their rights will be that way in general with all people and all issues - and that they won't change over time.
This was the lesson I personally learned in 2015/2016 when I had hundreds of Facebook friends and saw the difference between how they treated me (a while guy) and what total bigoted garbage they posted and shared. Unfriended 2/3rds of my friends.