
Pleasures from first morning with Clip Studio Paint: Adobe recently broke their lasso tool. At least for me, it screws up constantly. The CSP lasso just works, which is great. The UI is great. Love it. Finding tools and their settings is easy and intuitive. Adjusting to the app won't be too rough.
One thing you'll want to check out is the Modifier Key Settings in CSP. You can temporarily change tools using the modifier keys. It can be a variation of the same tool, or completely different tools. You can set Modifiery Keys for each tool.
I'm so glad you're digging Clip. I switched over several years back, and it's been such a delight to work in a comics-centric program.
Comics-specific stuff doesn't really matter to me. I'm more interested in a production level ready painting app that has color correction capability, etc. Because I'm just coloring. Most paint apps aren't up to snuff for heavy page count on a production schedule, imho.