
Finished my first piece in Clip Studio Paint. A cover. I output it from CSP to a CMYK tiff. Then, I compared to outputting from Photoshop. I have to say, I don't like what CSP does for outputting CMYK, unless I'm doing it wrong. The blacks don't have 100% K, which is unacceptable. 1/2
Yep. There's no way to actually control the ink levels. Maddening for a program designed for comics!
Bummer. Means I won't be able to 100% use it.
It's the only reason I've kept PS around.
Apparently PS now adds an identifier in the metadata which tells Instagram to tag outputs as AI. According to a random discussion I’ve just seen elsewhere. I have not tested it.
Tag it how? You know a way to check this? I've posted PS jpegs to Instagram recently. Thanks for chiming in.
No clue. I noticed a friend’s photos were tagged AI, which seemed weird as I was there and they weren’t, so I was noodling around asking why and tripped over the discussion. Literally ten minutes ago.
Yeah so I've seen. As I understand it, it happens if you use generative fill or content-aware delete, which most people don't understand as the same thing as stuff like mid-journey (even though I guess it is a much less resource-heavy cousin). I haven't experimented to see if that's the case.
Yeah, a quick bit of Googling says that Gen Fill is what leads to this. I don't use that and haven't seen any of my images tagged as AI.
But yeah, process IS nicer. Everything actually fucking works, unlike PS's buggy shit. At least so far!
I spent I don't know how long creating the DC colour pallette in Clip only to go back and realize 25C 25Y 40M 0K was now some random mess like 32C 22Y 38M and 2K. I used to be so careful to never get any K in my colours, so that was something I had to let go or go mad.
Don't worry about that. That's a whole lot of wasted worrying. Because k tones *used to* print like shit, we all had it trained into us to avoid them, but that's just not the case anymore. If you set up color conversion okay, it'll look great. I'm going to post a thread now, so check it out.
It's more of a control freak thing, honestly. Thanks for the deep dive thread. Useful stuff.
When I imported my color swatches from PS, they were all perfect 10% yellow, 20% yellow, etc, nice round numbers. CSP muddied them up ever so slightly and made some weird numbers. So, yeah, I dig. Ultimately, it doesn't matter though. I'm coloring in RGB, not CMYK.
Yellow is one of the ones I have problems with if I'm not then tweaking in PS, yeah.
It's a common problem with CSP that it doesn't have a great CMYK output. Though I wonder, how does it do with proof CMYK preview while painting?
It's fine while painting. Makes the colors not so RGB/unprintable.