
One thing I’m noticing: the people in my life who’ve worked in campaigns or politics overwhelmingly think Biden should be replaced (with Kamala). That’s clearly not the majority sentiment on here. Also, noticing how few folks in the above category seem to be on here, which is a bummer for me.
Idk everyone I know even the normal people who don’t do politics thinks it’s obvious he needs to go. I think on here someone perceived as smart and savvy says something and then many people find themselves agreeing with that. Also the NYT leading the charge has been rough for the left lmao
Thank you for saying this out loud lol
Nyt wants the felon to win. Look at their history. They also promoted adolph hitler
The folks on here are, with apologies, a self-selecting group of blue MAGA freaks. Trump bad, Biden good, NYT bad. I am very smart.
To be clear, they are correct about the 'Trump bad' part.
It’s a tough crowd. I see a lot of “never vote Biden because, Gaza” and “always vote Biden because he is a good and decent man (even if he is losing)” And both groups only seem to get echo chamber replies, not a lot of diversity of opinions. Unless I’m following the wrong people.
How can you tell who has worked on campaigns? I have, I'm a big fan of Harris, and I'm not yet convinced that she would do any better than Biden.
This is my experience too, yes
Well, I've worked in several state and national campaigns, and I don't think Biden should be replaced. Maybe it's confirmation bias; you're only seeing the opinions you want to see.
His tweet says your opinion is the majority on here.
I miss being plugged into the campaign operative network