
Amusing how Kathleen Parker & WaPo wanted to sound fancy by not using "weaponizing," but she's just wrong. "Weaponing" is to furnish with weapons, e.g., "the armorer was weaponing the soldiers." The word she means is "weaponizing," i.e., "to adapt for use as a weapon."
I was so focused on all the horrible venal DC set bullshit in the pull quotes from the Kathleen Parker op-ed that I didn't even notice that the headline contains the, for the sake of argument, word "weaponing"?!????
LOL, they changed it. You're welcome, WaPo, but if you really wanted to improve your paper, you'd take the column down and never publish anything by Kathleen Parker again.
What does Parker think flags are for if not to send specific messages to whoever looks at them?
Republicans of course have never weaponizrd the flag.
She got a Pulitzer so they're fucked. It's Opinion Columnist Tenure, except that universities are better able to deplatform an embarrassing tenured professor. On the other hand, that would only matter if they needed an excuse, if she were below a high standard they set for opinion columnists. Lol.
You're talking about the paper that ran, "Three Cheers for 'Let's Go Brandon!'"
These are the weaponized flags that normal people are worried about.
That Time Machine. We really need to use it more often.
I wonder if someone got yelled at for (possibly intentionally) letting it go out like that.