
Pretty cool how we have a robust right to jury trial if you're some lawbreaking hedge fund or corporation trying to delay agency action, but if you try to sue one of them, there's an endless gantlet of federal statutes and procedural rules designed to throw your case out before you get to a jury.
Yikes SEC v Jarkesy is out. Court says 6-3 on party lines there needs to be a whole jury trial to impose civil penalties for securities fraud I covered oral argument for Balls & Strikes last year to explain why thats not great
Hi parole lawyer here, does this mean I should be arguing my clients are entitled to jury trials on parole violations? Surely their liberty interest is at least as much of a fundamental right as a corporation’s monetary interest. Right?…right…?!…right…???
this is such a perversion of entity personhood the only reasonable response is for an ambitious federal DA to bring manslaughter charges against Boeing put Exxon on trial for murdering indigenous peoples on the North Slope and seek the death penalty
I can’t remember who said that. But when Mitt Romney was going around saying “corporations are people, my friend”…someone retorted that they will believe in corporate personhood when Texas executes one.
yup. it was a pretty common joke that time. I remember making a buddy of mine on grad school very mad when I pointed it out if the Daily Show or Colbert didn’t make a joke about it’s only bc of how low that fruit was hanging
This is the way. If they insist on a trial, make it a *TRIAL*, and give a jury an opportunity to dispatch some MBA shitheels into a federal oubliette.
Asymmetric legalism for the win! 🤮
Assuming you haven't agreed to a (mandatory) arbitration clause in your contract/license/order form/pizza delivery receipt, waiving your right to sue
I know it's not relevant to your point but bless you for the proper use of "gantlet" (i.e. not swapping in "gauntlet"). [tips hat]