ricky cilantro

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ricky cilantro


est. 1983. TTRPGs, video games, leftish politics, comedy. more recent hobbies: photography and retro PCs. sometimes i write about things and stuff

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Over at the Bad Place, I made a tradition of posting Douglass' "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth of July," and I intend to carry on that tradition here. Since most versions you read in classes or in textbooks have parts omitted, the link below has the full text of the speech.
(1852) Frederick Douglass, "What, To The Slave, Is The Fourth Of July" •www.blackpast.org On July 5, 1852, Frederick Douglass was invited to address the citizens of his hometown, Rochester, New York. Whatever the expectations of his audience on that 76th anniversary of the signing of the D...
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never forget the usa today “heatwave” infographic
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since I don’t really feel like celebrating America per se, I will at least celebrate that England sucks shit
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The stranger who knocked my door seeking shelter offered naught but a grunt of thanks till, over stew, announcing the sound of rats in my granary! Anon, I rushed out but saw the grain intact, whereupon returning found the shape of a devilish penis pressed into my bowl of custard. Strange magics…
greatest country on earth
“A water boil advisory has been issued for all of Washington D.C. and parts of Arlington., Va., officials said late Wednesday, as the nation's capitol prepared to host a massive influx of visitors to enjoy the annual Fourth of July celebrations” www.npr.org/2024/07/04/g...
A boil water advisory has been issued for D.C. and Arlington over safety concernswww.npr.org A water boil advisory has been issued for all of Washington D.C. and parts of Arlington., Va., officials said as the nation's capitol prepared to stage its annual Fourth of July celebrations.
this is a significant part of the philosophical reasoning in favor of a representative as opposed to a direct democracy even if you put major issues to a direct plebiscite, someone’s gotta put the fucking thing together someone’s gotta build roads and deliver the mail
It definitely should not have to be the primary concern for literally the most tired and vulnerable people in a given population. Some of us should be able to just vote once or twice a year and then go draw silly cartoons the rest of the time.
joseph robinette biden has lost the mandate of heaven I did it I invented a new kind of internet joke *holds finger to earbud* I have terrible news
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as a politics knower I think the democrats should simply do the thing that makes it easiest to win, but also aligns with both all my prior posts and all my most panicked recent posts. this is very simple and obvious.
if they’re gonna replace Biden they’d better shit or get off the pot
the mountains yearn for miso ramen
Hikers dumping their leftover ramen broth, to the tune of ~30 gallons/day, at this South Korean mountain have been advised to knock it off because all that salty broth is impacting the environment
Leftover Ramen Broth Is Causing Problems on South Korea's Mount Hallawww.smithsonianmag.com Visitors are dumping the salty liquid on the ground, and authorities are concerned about its impact on plants and animals
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The chonkadee strikes again
Dunno who needs to know this, but great tits will eat your brains
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"The Bernie Bros and K-Hive appear to be forming an alliance," I say at the 4th of July cookout. An anvil falls out of the sky directly onto my person, killing me instantly. God appears through the clouds. "I did that," he says. Family and friends applaud politely.
I’ve thought it was cringe when people post the declaration on social media. this year feels uh, different for some reason, not sure why. technically I’m a day early (or late, depending) on posting this.
Text of the Declaration of Independencedeclaration.fas.harvard.edu
a new research paper from Morgoth Inc. says the Torment Nexus could “torment a significant number of people, especially those caught within its nexus” and in many cases, is already doing that.
Shoutout to Spider-Man 2 and The Bear for making us go “wait is that Joel McHale?” exactly 20 years apart
nothing will convince me to never give your game a try like marketing it as a soulslike I’m not interested in a game making me so angry I’m worried I’ll stroke out just so I get an endorphin rush when I beat the boss physiologically-speaking, I get the same results from sex and w/o the frustration
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the LotR posting will continue until morale improves
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rolling out this gem again
so this isn’t strictly true I prefer the first 5-7 levels of D&D always have, going back to 2nd edition but I’ve wanted to run a Theros campaign since that book came out. feels like a level 5-15 in that setting would be awesome basically treat it like an Expert tru Immortals BECMI campaign
I stopped running 5e games before the OGL scandal and haven’t looked back every new adventure I run I tell players “your character sheet isn’t your character and the rules aren’t a suicide pact”
court reform and reproductive rights reproductive rights and court reform court reform and reproductive rights reproductive rights and court reform
“democrats have to win every election forever” is not a sustainable solution and it is quite literally the one we are facing unless we break the power of this court
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Once I saw a dude podcaster arguing with his lady co host that the New York marathon was absolutely longer than the Boston marathon and he knew because he had run them both and that's the best example I can think of to explain men
I’m really not interested in hearing about 2016, especially from people who weren’t conceived before 9/11 absolutely none of this shit happens if Gore (or Bill Bradley!) is the incumbent in 2004
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george washington on his deathbed: promise you guys will be normal about shit after im gone alexander hamilton, wearing a sequined FEDERALIST jacket: yeah totally thomas jefferson, wearing a spiky ANTI-FEDERALIST jacket: of course
the entire constitution was written with the assumption that political parties would never form, and that lasted less than 8 years
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Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
k look, there’s a case to be made for presumptive immunity on shit like… no actually, there’s no case to be made for presumptive immunity I remember the section in Con Law and Jurisprudence where sovereign immunity was just prima facie accepted as the only way a govt can function and… bullshit
it’s good they’re checking the poo water for COVID levels but those anti-depressant and anxiety meds have gotta be spiking too