
Curious how France is described as political chaos because two parties with ≈60% of the seats in Parliament will negotiate a PM, whereas Netanyahu is always described as the will of the Israeli people, rather than the negotiated choice among eight parties with 53% of the seats.
Honestly, what kind of bananas frame this story like this? Is shit serious or not, fucken freaks?
One has the Left in it. To them, the Left couldn’t possibly speak for the people.
got an aunt in France -- not a LePen supporter -- who is wailing about the country being "ungovernable" because there's no single majority if I'm facing a choice between "ungovernable" and "gladly governed by fascists" I'm going to be absolutely delighted to get the former
The French are so funny because they will spend months getting into fist fights with the police over incredibly granular changes in national policy, but also think any devolution of power to the departments would be tantamount to anarchy.
Yeah, I can't imagine what it must be like to be governed by someone who didn't win a majority of the votes. Awful to contemplate.
Well the Canadian right rules with a "strong stable mandate" when they win 40% of the votes. But when the left has a minority government with 60% of the votes between 2 parties it's "a strong message that people are unhappy and they would do well to collaborate with the Cons"
In the 35 years since free elections, Poland has had a single party government for exactly 5 years. Everything else was coalitions.
I’m starting to think tgat there’s a preferred narrative in the MSM that transcends national boundaries.
It’s as if Rupert Murdock has secretly owned The NY Times for the past decade.
Wasn't there a year where Israel had something like three elections, because Bibi couldn't get enough support from either voters or the Israeli parliament to be PM?
Why would you want anything you're calling "the Far Right" to have a seat at the table? It's a good thing when they don't have a seat.