
amplifying. y’all, if someone is subskeeting or just vent-posting? if you think it includes or involves you — why? also, i get the feeling associated with forced helplessness. it’s okay to do brief mutes in these times! SWs also remind us that normal interaction is helpful (that’s free!)
if it don't apply...let it fly? sex workers are in a really precarious climate with no legal protections. they're here to promote. if YOU feel bad that YOU can't pay, take a break from interacting. sharing is supporting, but if you feel inclined to act like this, don't do it publicly easy block 🧡🖤
thank you!! everyone i know makes it a point to mention free ways to support.
Is the whole business online falling apart? My sense is that everyone is doing bad lately
Or really - anyone doing any content creation
I mean, literally everyone is struggling. artists, musicians, baristas. the "economy" might be fine, but cost of living has really fucked most people. this isn't exclusive to us.
we make a luxury product. People want and often need porn, yes, but our product isn't food, meds, or shelter. sometimes that's the choice people are making.
Yeah - I was thinking less even on that end, and more the platforms getting more hostile and social media more eager to crack down
also yes. the laws being passed don't help, fascism is also a mood killer for a lot of people.
New motto: consume porn like they're going to make it illegal
I mean there is a little bit of that at times too - I'd say less here than anywhere else but even just regular interactions with SWers seems to be dwindling a lot :/
SESTA/FOSTA were incredibly debilitating in many ways & KOSA (if passed & signed) will make shit worse. SESTA/FOSTA was even found to be overall ineffective — making shit WORSE — during a GAO audit.
the economy sucks in the direct moment for most of us — like from anything i can parse out from “great economy we are thriving” reports is based off future money that’s not immediately accessible & in a crisis most people are just as fucked as ever.
Yeah - just thinking in comparison to a year or 18 mos ago, less so on a macro level.
my interaction/engagement is 1/3 of what it was last July lmao and I had 50 followers.
i get the site is less concentrated now than it was then but also, you’re funny as fuck & most SWs i know post about other shit than their work/income (e.g. shitposts, memes, jokes, etc). many people get that the primary base of the site users ain’t super rich. people do what they can when they can.
wages haven’t kept pace with inflation
The "economy" (at least here) is largely propped up by a bunch of shonky construction that has been speculatively invested in, and the prices driven through the roof so line can go up
And digital creators don’t have access to any another streams of income that a traditional business has There’s no retailers with enforced stocking requirements which can help through the slowdowns No speculative markets to leverage ‘Want now, buy now’ has its own challenges