
Eh. Maybe! But I think the party operatives saw the same debate we did. Yeah the Democratic Party leadership is risk averse, but a Biden candidacy is feeling pretty risky to a lot of folks today.
IMO the party operatives should be freaking out privately but publicly pivoting HARD to Trump’s performance and overall danger. They should be making adjustments to limit the damage as much as possible and uniting behind a message. Instead they’re doing the Trump campaign’s job for them. I’m not 1/2
suggesting they pretend he won, but they should be downplaying the significance of a debate in June, blame his performance on his stutter, and drive home the fact that it has no bearing on his ability to do the job while subtly reminding voters of the quality of advisors Biden has compared to Trump.
I think they should be trying behind the scenes to get him to retire and pass the torch to Kamala. That seems like the safest choice to me at this point
I don’t entirely disagree but this late in the game, the only way it isn’t going to tear the Democratic base in half is if Biden steps aside and endorses her. I voted for her in the primaries I’ll gladly vote for her in the general, but a contested convention is a mistake, no matter what candidate.
Rats All rats. So full of themselves. Fallows is another. I wish they would all go away.
Fuck each and every one of them. It would be small solace that they would be among the first T puts up against the wall.
So you think Trump is going to win?
No. I'm still fairly confident about Biden getting re-elected.
Four people I’m paid to appear on a panel with said they’re worried.
Seriously, WTF? Biden was the same as always. Not a dynamic speaker. BFD. Replace him? Bullshit! Why isn’t anyone saying replace the convicted felon & rapist? Replace the scumbag that attempted 2 overthrow r government? Replace the traitor? Replace the guy who ignored deaths of a million Americans?
He did downplay COVID as we are in a surge right now and no one is aware bc he ended tracking. He also ended the Medicaid benefits for people by not extending the COVID programs. He also took documents too. Don't hit me with wELL wOuLd YoU rAtHeR HaVe TruMp? Just make sure your graphics are right.
Welp, that confirms that these are not serious people. You'd think that guys who'd been following politics at least as long as I have would come to the understanding that the incumbent dropping out is *never* a good thing for the party, but, well, here we are. What other Dem would they prefer..?