
I’m talking about Labor.
JFC. The state of the so called labor left in the UK. Appeasers, happy to punch down on people becoming themselves who should have the support of a health system to do that. WTF is going on? I can't believe most people, flawed as they are, would support trans kids and adults suffering through it?
One of the biggest and probably the most toxic vector of this stuff in the UK was the comments page of the Observer, a nominally left wing newspaper, which hugely pushed the normalisation of this as a "feminist" issue acceptable for liberals otherwise uncomfortable with expressing rank bigotry.
yeah I get the transmission, I don't get the why now.
One thing I don't think Americans understand is just how small and incestuous the British ruling class is. There's like 7000 people across politics and the media and certain kinds of business and think tank, who all went to the same universities, who are all married to each other.
"why now" is because the Labour Right clique is ascendant and that's the group that's rammed full of Observer/BBC transphobes.
Like there is also cross-transmission from America with the right wing, but our political class is bipartisanly obsessed with trans people because of, like, 10 people who got obsessed with it in 2011 and who all had national newspaper columns.
It’s wild when you meet not very rich or famous British people who went to these schools— they usually know in some way many people that are in the top echelon. They have met them, gone to parties they were at, etc. It’s more like 2 degrees of separation.
and half of them are proudly descended from some brute from, like, the 12th century who was so good at maiming and slaughtering that the king recruited them to come work for him
They certainly *look* like a very small group of people who've all been marrying each other back and forth for generations.