
SCOTUS is telling us that it has completely signed on to the project of a second Trump administration, which is establishing an elected autocracy.
all of this for donald fucking trump of all people
Seriously! THIS is the guy you pull the trigger for! THIS is the guy you give up everything for! It's absolutely insane. They can see how he treats his subordinates and enablers -- all of them ultimately get thrown in the trash. And yet.
they are awfully confident about their safety under a trump regency
I think perhaps they have not grasped that under a second Trump administration the courts will become essentially irrelevant.
I think they realize that the courts will be extremely relevant —as legitimizers of the regime domestically and abroad — and are more than happy to do so as long as they can be compensated well for it. Which, coincidentally, they just ruled that they can be.
For some time, for sure. But it seems apparent that the Federalist Society’s aims are for a unitary chief executive, where the President doesn’t really have to concern himself with what the courts say because they have eliminated any plausible enforcement mechanism.
Right, but for the six specific people who decided it, it's likely to be personally profitable as long as they rule how Trump wants. Which is what they've been doing *anyways*, and most of them will outlive Trump and be equally eager to run interference for the next conservative that comes along.
And by a group of people who all ostensibly believe in a higher power that, if Scripture is to be believed, will hold them negatively accountable for until the end of time.