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not the famous anthropologist.

trophy wife • “pretty all right” stepmother • small-time gaza aid-pusher • armenia poster • kitten waystation • unemployed librarian • aspiring wastrel

begging your pardon, but what on earth is abdulalrahman doing on this "cauterize" list? he's a young palestinian man living in gaza; he posts about his life, and follows 1.4k accounts because of his family's GFM campaign. he's been the SUBJECT of a harassment campaign; he's certainly never LED one.
another palestinian kicked for spam 😡 here is belal’s new account and updated graphic! he’s closing in on halfway to his goal, which is very exciting because it means more help for his family depending on him in Gaza! gofund.me/a247ddb4 see what his life is like on ig: instagram.com/belal.taisser
Please donate and share♥️🙏 gofund.me/a247ddb4 @meave.bsky.social
my bribe was a fresh picture of two little dumplings benedict & beatrix are available for adoption right now in brooklyn!!!, if you want two perfect baby angels raised from 3 days old by a beautiful moroccan med student
i’ve got poster’s sadness love to my palestinian friends; i hope people share your campaigns all over the internet & put posters in their neighborhood & you get all the money you need. if anyone wants a new graphic, i’ll be back on tuesday. find all the ones i’ve already made under #GaxaGFM
i don’t know the stats on how widespread hep A is in gaza, but i know exposing children to it should be a crime against humanity in and of itself. so, maybe help abd & walaa get her to egypt for treatment, and support their family who aren’t evacuating: gofund.me/97bbc7b5. they just hit 10k!
Hi everyone,please pay attention, last days no clear water here in gaza 🇵🇸😭 and every child have hepatitis A Please support us to reach our voice to human🫶🚨💔 1000 litres of clear water cost us 300£ This is my family link , do your best for us please, repost and donate as u can gofund.me/0a1c6d87
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organised by Amanda Graygofund.me Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
closer and closer! think of the relief and joy you can help bring akram and his family if they make enough to get Sarah and their mother to egypt for proper medical care! me, i will sing and dance gofund.me/287e2003
Hi Blue Sky community ❤️ We only €454 away to reach our goal €10k to evacuate My sister and my Mom 🥹 Please DONATE if you can 💔🥹 If not SHARE widely to reach more people who can do 🙏🙏🚨 💔 Don't leave my sister alone 😔 www.gofundme.com/f/help-the-a...
is it because sahar doesn’t post much that she hasn’t received a donation in a week? how can we do better by her? gofund.me/55071e39
We are exhausted by the war. Help us with a little gofund.me/6e869faf
for the ignorant (me till last week), indomie is an instant noodle brand owned by indofood, the world’s biggest producer of instant noodles. in my understanding, indomie is kinda like most of the world’s “top ramen.” and no one can live on ramen packets alone. gofund.me/d831e25d paypal.me/Fidaaumer
My My father [Umar] makes Indomie for his grandchildren😊 Thank You My Dad🫶🍉🥺🇵🇸 To Donate ⬇️ gofund.me/54e019a2 To Donate PayPal⬇️ www.paypal.me/Fidaaumer Please Just REPOST ♥️ Please Just REPOST 🖤 Please Just REPOST 🤍 Please Just REPOST 💚 #Gaza #Palestine #MASKY #Donate
emad is a good guy who has been hustling SO HARD to help his family. he has papers, passports, plans—he just needs funds. three of his little cousins haven't seen their dad in a year because he was working in greece in october. so toss emad some money, let him know he's not alone: gofund.me/0c82a615
Hi dear friends I'm asking your help for my family Together so we can save them they truly need us I'm trying by my self but I can't cover everything by my self, since 10 months now I'm doing and spending all my effort and energy I have just to make sure there is nothing missing for them. Thanks
Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety, organized by Emad Muharebgofund.me Hello my name is Emad I am raising funds to evacuate my family out of Ga… Emad Muhareb needs your support for Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety
help walaa and her family out! they're so close to their first 10k, which is very promising for her ability to get medically evacuated! gofund.me/97bbc7b5
We are still €190 away from reaching 10000. Please keep supporting Walaa. BOOST the post, REPOST & DONATE if u can to help Walaa raise funds for her surgery ♿️❤️‍🩹 You can’t imagine how a small amount makes a real difference. ❤️‍🩹 The Blue Sky community can make miracles happen. ✊🍉🇵🇸 gofund.me/e637e1de
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organized by Amanda Graygofund.me Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
i hadn't watched the video till now and oh that sweet boy, his poor foot. here's a new graphic to share for @hijazimona.bsky.social; it has her paypal for daily needs paypal.com/pools/c/963rRbgGx8, which you can give to as well as her #GazaGFM to help her & her family evacuate: gofund.me/4afe7094
This is Mona's new account because moderation labeled her original one spam. I have been speaking with her on telegram and she made me this video and gave me permission to share with you. GFM is here: www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-an...
Mona has shared this with me personally to share with you all. Please contribute ❤️youtube.com
this is my husband's grandfather from his declaration of intention to become a naturalized citizen. he was 25 and had been in the US for two years. he was born in kars, ARMENIA (the ussr "gave" it to turkey), in 1910. he was a wood engraver. my husband has his eyes & mouth, if you were wondering.
my new yarn winder is incredible and i got carrried away and wound all my knit picks yarns that were in skeins. look at those thicc cakes. pink ones are spoken for, but if anyone had any babies or small children (adult clothes are boring), i still have a lot of good yarn that wants using
gazaesims.com distributes 2k esims/day to palestinians in gaza so they can use their phones, but that's not nearly enough! they don't cost that much & they mean everything. if you go through nomad, choose "middle east" & use code MEAVPQCGKF for 25% off, or the code below for 10%. #ConnectingGaza
what timing, i just finished this ⬇️ ps: @fidaa-gaza.bsky.social has a GFM for evacuation that is way emptier than it should be: gofund.me/d831e25d + a paypal if you want to give her some money for daily necessities, like purchasing food and water WHEN THEY ARE EVEN AVAILABLE paypal.me/Fidaaumer
in alphabetical order: @akramabdelwahed.bsky.social abides but Sarah's condition is worsening and she desperately needs medical care. they're really close to 10k, please help them reach it so they can at least get her medically evacuated: gofund.me/287e2003
Anas is still kicked off for "spam" (i'm seething), but just because he can't speak for himself on this platform doesn't take away his family's need for help: gofund.me/9fc790f4
you know @imad3.bsky.social, you love him, we all love him. he's ready to reunite some of the kids with their uncle stranded in greece as soon as the rafah crossing reopens. help him help his family while he's so far away from them: gofund.me/0c82a615
@7amada.bsky.social just hit the halfway point to 10k, his first goal. that's great! but there's a ways to go yet before he can help everyone out, and his family needs our help to make it: gofund.me/ff4c3c29 check out his insta for more regular updates when has internet: instagram.com/eng._7amada
my man @karamrafeek.bsky.social is SO CLOSE to 10k as well, just a little more will get him there. his mother is sick and unmedicated, and they're living on cup noodles. Help their campaign get some momentum! gofund.me/7c433301 note he has more personal updates on insta: instagram.com/karamrafeek
@noorhassan.bsky.social is a wonderful person we know and love, and if you really want to "uplift palestinian voices, follow her son @sonofnoor2.bsky.social. in the meantime, they're <4k from their goal! gofund.me/b3fda2f6. you can also contribue to their necessities fund: ko-fi.com/noor320819!
it looks like new bud Belal has been kicked as well, so, cool, thanks bluesky. he and one of his brothers are day laborer in egypt trying to support their family back home in gaza and make enough to get them over when they can: gofund.me/a247ddb4 & on insta at: instagram.com/belal.taisser
@ranaazzam95.bsky.social has been living in a dang egyptian hospital with her niece while her sister got surgery from the injuries she sustained when israel blew up her house. they left behind two more sibings and their parents, and they long to reunite with them in safety: gofund.me/b4fae9be
Walaa & her brother @abdsafi.bsky.social need help, too! her spinal injuries put her in a wheelchair, and she requires hard-to-get medical supplies and evacuation for surgery. plus, their family—9 adults, 10 kids—needs daily necessities: gofund.me/97bbc7b5 cc: @hebaessam.bsky.social
@jamalzuhir.bsky.social! we know jamal, we love jamal, @mommunism.bsky.social is holding a kitten-art fundraiser for him RIGHT NOW. but: do your friends know him? other social media sites? here's a graphic to share everywhere to help him and his family reach their goal! gofund.me/a625d5ba
@fidaa-gaza.bsky.social is a single mother of 4. her brothers are married with kids, too—there are 12 total, ages 10 years to 5 months old. can we put some money her way to ease their burden? gofund.me/d831e25d is their evacuation fund; paypal.me/Fidaaumer is for daily necessities (kids need a lot!)
Finally (for now!), dear @mona-gaza-family.bsky.social, who is fighting to get her children, mother, husband and self out of Gaza. i'd love to see these kids like their before photos, smiling and carefree. help them out! gofund.me/126a4659 also instagram.com/kinan_yazan_kinzy tiktok.com/@mona_hjaze
Yes! let's DO THAT! Rana's living in an Egyptian hospital with her niece and sister, while the rest of their family is across the border in Gaza. this campaign is absolutely fundable! cross-post and share and let's help Rana cross the finish line! gofund.me/b4fae9be
uh oh, friends, I HAD THE WRONG GOFUNDME LINK. To help Walaa and her brother @abdsafi.bsky.social, go HERE, please: gofund.me/97bbc7b5, & use this graphic! They're SO CLOSE to their initial £10k goal! (and thank you again to @hebaessam.bsky.social for being such an advocate for her friend!)
Every Dollar Makes Difference For Walaa to walk again ♿️🥺🚨 DONATION LINK ⬇️⬇️⬇️ gofund.me/e637e1de Let's help her raise funds so she can leave Gaza and have her surgery as soon as the borders open.✊🇵🇸❤️🍉 You Are Her Voice ❤️‍🩹 You Are Her Hope 🥺 If You Can't DONATE, please REPOST ❤️‍🩹 🔗🙏
Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza, organised by Amanda Graygofund.me Hi, I am Amanda and I am a Brit who has become friends with a family and… Amanda Gray needs your support for Help Walaa, who is paraplegic, and family in Gaza
Don't stop the momentum! (Emad-mentum? is that anything?) @imad3.bsky.social's #GazaGFM is slowly but surely climbing — can we help help it go up faster? GFM: gofund.me/0c82a615 He's a got a big responsibility, and every GBP donated eases that burden just a little. So come on!
Good morning dear friends and followers I wish you all are doing well Our next step is to hit 7k We can do it by your generous and great support Any amount even if its little can make a huge difference for them and give them alot of hope They are waiting us to do something big for them Thanks🙏❤
Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety, organized by Emad Muharebgofund.me Hello my name is Emad I am raising funds to evacuate my family out of Ga… Emad Muhareb needs your support for Emergency: Help Emad’s family evacuate to safety